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Just for a warning before anyone reads this, the idea for this came to me when I said "Gasp, premarital kissing." while reading a fanfic so this chapter might suck, anyways I'm definitely using that line in this chapter.

Ray's pov

Norman and I were walking to his house after eating at some restaurant he liked. 

He put his head on my shoulder and connected our hands, "I had fun, did you have fun?" he asked.

"Mhm." I hummed. I kissed his hand as we continued walking. The sun was setting and I looked up into the sky to see where the orange hues from the sun stretched into the blue of the sky. My eyes drifted back to the sight of Norman and I smiled, he looked beautiful in this lighting, then again, he looked beautiful regardless of the lighting or position.

Before I knew it we were in front of Norman's house, he sighed when he saw there were no cars in the driveway and we walked to the front door. He took his house keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, we walked in and went to his room.

"Where are your parents?" I asked when he closed his bedroom door. He shrugged and took off his shoes putting them on the floor. He walked in his closet and closed the door. I sighed and laid back on his bed staring at the white ceiling. 

I sat up and looked around the familiar room. A white and black desk in the corner of the room, his bed in the middle of the room, paintings and pictures and posters hanging on his walls, and shelves with various items on them. 

I heard the closet door open and I looked over, seeing Norman in different clothes than before, "Ray.... I'm bi." Norman said as he walked out of the closet. 

I smiled and decided to play along, I fake gasped and looked at him, "No boyfriend of mine is gonna be bi."

He smiled and started laughing, I laughed too and he walked over and sat down on the bed. He crawled on my lap.

"You're pretty." he whispered before leaning in and kissing me.

I pulled away after a second or two and said "Gasp, areth- art? Art thou engaging me in premarital kissing? What would your parents think of you kissing me, a peasant boy who is unworthy of you, premaritally?"

He rolled his eyes, "Do you want to kiss or not you little nerd?" he smiled as he said the last part.

I let out a breathy laugh, "Of course I do, dork."


I thought this would suck but honestly this might be my favorite chapter yet.

Also I was listening to Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen (and various other songs, mostly by My Chemical Romance) while writing this so that's where I got the title.

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