What was Ray's reaction when they came out?

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Pretty much just how I think Ray reacted when the characters I think are a lil fruity came out to him.
3rd person POV

The group (Norman, Ray, Emma, Gilda, Don, Anna, Nat) was sitting down talking. Ray got up and walked to the kitchen to get some water and when he returned Nat was telling the group how he reacted when Nat came out to him.

"When I told Ray I'm bi he said he already knew." Nat told everyone, "How did you know?"
Ray drank some water before replying, "You use Grindr and Tinder. Also you left your phone face up around me one time and it said that you matched with a girl and a guy."

Emma laughed and took her turn talking about how Ray reacted. "He also already knew when I told him I'm pan"
"I found your alt account on twitter. You post about a certain person in this room a lot." Ray explained. Emma's face got slightly red as she laughed.

Gilda then took their turn, "Well, I never really told Ray I only like girls but when I told him I'm nonbinary he just said "mkay, that's cool" and then proceeded to insult people on Call of Duty in spanish."
"Honestly, you never talk about guys. Every time we talk about people we like it's always just you saying "ew men, women are better." and me saying "ew women, men are better." so I think I kinda just knew."

Don cleared his throat bringing the rooms attention on him. He had a weird look, "For me Ray just said "come here bro" and then hugged me. Weirdest yet best 2 seconds of my life, until he punched me and then said something in spanish and walked away."
"That's a pretty normal response, right?" Ray asked the people in the room. Norman just stared at him before answering, "No, tell us what did you say to Don." Ray looked around awkwardly before saying, "I called him a gay bastard and an idiot." Don brought a hand up to his chest and pretended to be hurt by what Ray said. "I also thought he was straight the whole time so y'know." Ray added although it was quietly.

"What about you Norman?" Emma asked, which was actually a good question since Norman and Ray are dating.
"Well I told him I'm bi and he just yelled "hell yeah" and jumped around, it wasn't until he asked me out a few months later that I realized why he was so happy about it."
"Damn it" Gilda said, "Norman wins for who got the better reaction from Ray. The rest of us had no chance." Don and Nat looked at them with a confused look on their faces. Gilda noticed and added, "Oh come on, he's said time and time again that he'd never be in a relationship with one of you two."
"Actually a few months before Norman and Ray started dating Ray said he'd be down to fuck me." Nat said, everyone looked at Ray for confirmation. They were met with the face Ray makes when he's doing what he calls "looking through the memories", then he started laughing and just nodded.

"Hey you guys are forgetting one certain person in this room to answer how Ray reacted." Anna said bringing the attention on her.
"Anna, you're straight." Emma had a confused look on her face as she made her statement.
"You've said it over and over again that you're straight." Norman also looked confused.
Ray looked at Anna, "You're straight, I know that for sure. On your alt account you have your sexuality as straight and your pronouns as she/her, on alt accounts, or just accounts people feel won't be traced back to them, people are more likely to reveal information about themselves... according to what I hear at least."
"Alright thats it!" Don exclaimed as he stood up, "Does everyone in the room have alt accounts or something? What the hell, at least let your bestfriends know about it so we don't have to hear about it from Ray of all people."
"Anyways, yeah I'm straight." Anna sat back down and soon the group started talking about other things.

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