ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

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The gym normally was quiet at this time in the afternoon. School was over and most Ultimates were either doing something with their friends, went to the city or stayed in their dorms. Not (y/n) (l/n) though. The Ultimate Basketball Star almost always practiced her favorite sport there.

The (h/c) haired girl liked being all by herself, playing basketball in peace without getting disturbed or interrupted by someone else that, in the worst case, wanted to start a conversation with her. No, she didn't need that. But as antisocial as she was, she just couldn't escape that one boy.

The boy that (y/n) tried to shake off almost constantly was Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Baseball Star. Not only was he really popular and had fangirls following him everywhere, but he was also completely convinced that baseball was better than basketball. And he made sure to tell her that.

'I'm surprised that he didn't stop by already. It's already 4 pm and I've been able to play basketball without getting interrupted once. That's-' Her thoughts were cut off when the door to the gym slammed open and Leon came running in, grabbing her shoulders, shaking her violently.

"Did you see it?!" He asked, looking like he had just seen a ghost. Or worse. "Seen what, Kuwata?" She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side a little bit, ignoring the fact that he was still shaking her shoulders, probably going to dislocate them soon.

"My baseball bat! Have you seen them?" The Ultimate Basketball Star sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "No, I haven't seen it. Just use another one and leave me alone." "No, I won't use another one! I want that specific one!" "You're acting like a child, do you know that?"

Without another word, he grabbed her arm and dragged her out. The (h/c) haired girl quickly grabbed her basketball before just letting Leon drag her away, not even questioning his actions anymore. "Where are we going?" "Searching for my baseball bat around the field." "Why me?" "Just because."

"I have better things to do, Kuwata." "No, you don't. You just play basketball the whole day, it's not like you do anything else. Baseball is better than basketball anyways." While getting dragged past some of her classmates, who looked at them with an amused face, (y/n) sighed.

"Fine, whatever. Can you stop dragging me around though?" The Ultimate Baseball Star ignored her and finally stepped onto the field where he had been practicing baseball earlier. "If you would've lost it here, you must be pretty dumb to not see it. Baseball bats normally don't just lay around on the field."

"You're not being helpful in the slightest, (l/n)." "I'm not trying to be helpful. I'm trying to get away from you so I can get back to the gym." "Well, you won't go anywhere. You'll help me search. I have a game to win tonight!"

The Ultimate Basketball Star ripped her arm away from the male, sitting down on the soft grass and throwing her basketball up a bit before catching it again. "Fine, I'll search myself, but don't go anywhere. I need emotional support." "I won't support you in any way. Not even in your dreams."

Giving a playful pout, Leon grabbed a baseball that was just laying around on the field and threw it at her with full force. Not even impressed, she moved her head away, the baseball hitting the fence behind her before falling to the ground. "Can I go now, Kuwata?" "No."

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