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Letting out a relieved groan, (y/n) stood up as everyone else had already left. Not only did she have to sign some people's belongings, but she also had to stay longer because of that exact reason. Her mood didn't got better when a certain Ultimate Baseball Star ran towards her.

"Hey, you actually came! And? Are you finally seeing that baseball is better than basketball?" The (h/c) haired girl sighed. "No. And didn't you notice how I nearly got attacked by your annoying fans? Get them under control, Kuwata." The boy didn't even seem to listen to her, grinning.

"Come on, now that you're here, we have to play some baseball together! No one's here anymore anyways!" Leon grabbed (y/n)'s wrist and pulled her up, towards the field. The female didn't protest, she didn't want to ruin his mood. "Fine." She nodded to the baseball star.

He gave her one of the bats that got left by the players, taking one of the baseballs. "You know how to play, right?" He tilted his head to the side a bit and she nodded, getting in position and waiting for him to throw the ball. 'I want to sleep.'

A few moments later, the (h/c) haired girl aimed for the baseball that came flying towards her but missed. "Woah, that wasn't even close, (l/n)! But don't worry, we can practice for a bit!" (Y/n) sighed and shook her head. "I'm really tired, I'm sorry."

"Oh." For a moment, the Ultimate Baseball Star looked extremely disappointed, but before he could start complaining, the Ultimate Basketball Star stood up and let out a quiet yawn. "I will go to sleep now. Though, we can practice baseball tomorrow, I guess." That caught Leon off guard. "Wait, really?"

Surprisingly, the (e/c) eyed female nodded and gave him a small wave before walking off, heading to her dorm room where she immediately showered, brushed her teeth and did her other rituals. She then changed into fresh and comfortable clothes and laid in her bed, turning off the lights. 'Finally...'

In the meantime, Leon enthusiastically walked to his own room, grinning. 'I didn't expect her to say that, to be honest! (L/n) is always so cold and distanced. But hey, I can finally convice her that baseball is better than basketball! Besides, I bet it'll be funny tomorrow.'

With that, Leon too went to his room and spent the rest of the night thinking about different things, that didn't even fit into the current situation. But everyone had these weird thoughts that would haunt them when they just wanted to sleep, right? Most of the time, it was just nonsense.

The next day, (y/n) surprised herself with how much she slept. Considering that she had stayed up much longer than normally though, that wasn't too surprisingly. The only time she would ever stay up late is when she had a basketball game at late evening or sometimes even night.

The Ultimate Basketball Star hated it when there were complications. It would result in the game getting started much later. Of course, she really liked playing basketball. It was her talent, after all. But for some reason, the (h/c) haired female didn't like staying up late.

Sitting up in bed with a small sigh, she looked at the (f/c) clock in her room, seeing that it was already 11 am. 'Wasn't there something planned for today...?' (Y/n) thought for a while before realization hit her. 'Oh no. I remember now. Baseball with Leon Kuwata.'

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