ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ

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"It was here the whole time?!" Leon let out a frustrated groan, looking at the metal bat that was leaning on the wall. In the corner of his dorm room. "I knew you were stupid, but this is a whole new level. Congratulations, Kuwata." (Y/n) sighed and turned around to leave.

"Hey, wait!" He quickly grabbed her arm, making her turn her head towards him. "What is it?" "Will you come to my game tonight? I can prove you that baseball is better than basketball!" The Ultimate Baseball Star's eyes sparkled with conviction, tugging on her arm once more.

To be honest, the (h/c) haired girl really wasn't interested in going to his game. She knew that he wouldn't stop annoying her until she would agree though, and if she just wouldn't come, he would never leave her alone again. Slowly, (y/n) nodded. "Fine. I'll be there."

The orange haired boy's eyes lit up and he grinned, nodding while letting go of her arm. "Alright, I'll see you there, (l/n)!" The Ultimate Basketball Star nodded and sighed again, opening the door and leaving, shutting the door close behind her. 'Great. I really have to go now.'

The rest of the day passed by rather fast for her. She had used the time to go shower and change into comfortable clothes for the baseball match that night. She didn't really bother to dress up much and just put on a (f/c) sweatpants and a black pullover.

"My ears will bleed by the end of the match. Why does he even have that much fangirls? I don't see anything special in him, besides being able to annoy me for three hours straight." (Y/n) mumbled to herself while sitting on her bed, looking through her phone for a while.

Finally, it was time for the match to begin. The Ultimate Basketball Star was already sitting in the first row, watching the players fill the baseball field. Her eyes fell on the annoying Baseball Star that waved to her as soon as he saw her, grinning happily.

Some of the fangirls immediately shot her a glare, beginning to gossip quietly. Strangely enough, (y/n) was actually able to focus on Leon, ignoring the rather annoying girls behind her. 'I still don't know why these people keep falling for him. He's just another student at Hope's Peak Academy, isn't he?'

Someone tapped her shoulder. She hoped it was Chihiro, even though he knew that he never came to one of these baseball games. He already struggled with coming to her basketball games. Turning around, she then was face to face with one of the girls from before.

"Are you Leon's girlfriend?" "No?" "Why did he wave to you then? He was obvious flirting with you!" Letting out an annoyed sigh, the (h/c) haired female turned away. "You should stop being so obsessed over him. You don't even know his sexuality, do you? Who says he likes girls?"

Falling silent for a few moments, the girls seemed to start thinking. "What do you mean?" "What if he likes boys? Or he's aromantic? You won't ever have a chance with him. So stop annoying people when they had the smallest interaction with Kuwata, it's really annoying and bothering me."

Fuming, they stormed off while the Ultimate Basketball Star continued to watch the game again, until it was announced that Leon's team had won. As she was about to leave, it seemed like some people had recognized her. "Aren't you (y/n) (l/n), the Ultimate Basketball Star? Please give me an autograph!"

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