ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ

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Even though (y/n) really didn't want to play baseball with Leon, she wasn't someone to just break her word. She said she would play baseball with him, so she would, no matter if she wanted to or not. After all, she wouldn't like to be let down either.

It wasn't difficult to find him. Why? Leon was already in the gym, where (y/n) normally was, waiting for the (h/c) haired girl to show up. He was swinging his baseball bat around a bit, seemingly impatient. "Good morning, Kuwata." She greeted him, making his head turn towards her.

"Morning, (l/n)! Ready to play some baseball? It's not like you have a choice anyways." He gave her a playful grin and walked off to the baseball field. (Y/n) followed him, sighing. "Can't you just accept that I like basketball more than baseball?" "Nah, you wish, haha!"

'Why did I even try to change his mind? Of course he wouldn't just give up.' The Ultimate Basketball Star sighed again and stretched, stopping for a second before following Leon again. 'I know I normally wouldn't do this but... What if I just run off now? Would he be fast enough?'

The (h/c) haired girl didn't even bother to finish thinking her thoughts, resisting the urge to slap her hand against her forehead. 'Did I really just ask myself that? He's a baseball player, the Ultimate Baseball Star, of course he would be fast enough to catch up to me.'

As if the Ultimate Baseball Star could read her thoughts, he swang his arm around her shoulders. "Haha, you weren't thinking about just running off, were ya?" "I actually was thinking exactly that. What are you? The Ultimate Mind Reader?" "Woah, no need to be so harsh!"

When she was about to reply, he picked up a baseball bat from the field and threw it at her. "Let's play some baseball!" Rolling her eyes slightly, (y/n) caught the bat. 'Let the horror begin.' But surprisingly, the Ultimate Basketball Star didn't expect how much fun baseball actually could be.

And even more surprising was, how well they could communicate while playing it. "Ya know, you're always so cold, but you're kinda cool, (y/n)." He grinned at her. "Just because we played some baseball together doesn't mean, that you can use my first name. It's still (l/n) for you."

"Aww, come on! We're friends, right?" The Ultimate Baseball Star asked while throwing a baseball towards her. Hitting it with the bat and sending it flying into the net, the (h/c) haired girl shook her head. "Just because you spend some time with someone, doesn't mean that you're friends with them."

"Eh. Or maybe you're just bitter because you don't have any friends, haha!" He snickered quietly, receiving an almost unnoticeable little glare. "I would rather die alone than having you as my friend, Kuwata." "Well, if ya continue being this mean, you sure will!" "Oh, I will?"

"As I said, you sure will. I don't know, but you should probably start getting some friends. I don't think it'll be nice to die all alone, ya know?" (Y/n) crossed her arms, waiting for Leon to throw the next baseball towards her. "Or a lover, (y/n)."

"It's still (l/n). And a lover? I don't need one. For what would I need one? They're just as useless as friends." "You say that but are friends with Chihiro?" "She's an exception." "Why can't I be an exception too?" "Just because." "You really don't know how to be friendly, do you, (y/n)?"

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