ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ

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Yawning, the Ultimate Baseball Star sat up, and immediately noticed (y/n), who was still sleeping besides him. 'Damn... I was so tired, I didn't even think about what I was saying... But It's kinda nice that she really took a nap with me...' Thinking about that made him smile.

Considering how cold the (h/c) haired girl was acting towards him in the beginning, he really wouldn't have thought they would reach this point. 'I mean... It would be nicer if she would be my girlfriend already, but oh well...' Leon thought, laying back again and pulling her closer to him.

To his surprise, (y/n) actually buried her face in his neck and continued sleeping, making a small blush crawl onto the orange haired male's face. 'I really wanna take a picture of her like this, but I can't take my d-mn phone without her waking up.'

He really didn't want to wake her up already. It was nice having her this close to him without getting pushed away or receiving a glare. His plan to not wake her up was quickly ripped apart though. His phone began ringing, and with that, the female besides him opened her eyes.

"Hm...?" She mumbled sleepily, while Leon took his phone, curious who would call him at this time, considering that it was already getting dark outside. "What?!" He growled into the phone. The one who called him was one of his teammates. "Yo man! Where were you today?"

Resisting the urge to smash his phone into a million pieces, the Ultimate Baseball Star grit his teeth together. "I already texted y'all that I wouldn't be there today! Are you too f-cking dumb to open the d-mned message?!" While he was on the phone, (y/n) sat up.

'Wow, we slept pretty long...' Said female thought, yawning as she looked out of the big window of Leon's room. Not even waiting anymore for his teammate's answer, the male hung up and threw his phone onto a carpet a bit away from his bed. "Why are you so angry?"

His gaze shifted to the sleepy basketball player. "I told these idiots that I wouldn't be there for training today, and just now, one of them called me, asking where I was today!" The Ultimate Baseball Star growled and laid back again, clearly frustrated. "I see." "Sorry that it woke ya up..."

Shaking her head, (y/n) also laid down again, her head sinking down onto Leon's shoulder. "It's okay. We slept really long anyways, so it's not like we didn't get enough sleep." "Still. How can people be this dumb? Stupid, stupid, stupid...!" He growled again.

To Leon's surprise, the Ultimate Basketball Star shifted closer to him. "Calm down. It doesn't matter anymore, does it? I'm sure after your response, he won't call you again anytime soon." That made him chuckle. "Heh, I guess you're right. I was just really angry that it woke you up, ya know?"

"Oh?" Surprised by what he said, she looked up at him. "It's okay. You were the one who needed some extra sleep, not me. It's not something to be mad about. I could've understood it if he would've woken you up." Nodding, he sighed and closed his eyes again.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." "Still tired?" He shook his head. "Nah, not really, but it's pretty comfortable like this. But let's play basketball tomorrow. Like, actually play it and not sleep instead." With that, Leon closed his eyes again, and fell asleep again. 'Well, it's already getting late, so...' (Y/n) put the blanket over the two of them.

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