ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ

467 23 1

Dribbling her basketball around a few times, the Ultimate Basketball Star was waiting for her friend, that had asked her to play said sport together. "Where is he? He's already late. But oh well, it's Leon, what am I expecting?" Something about thinking of him made her smile though.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late!" Someone suddenly said, a orange haired male stumbling intp the gym, his hair messier than usual. "Indeed. You're late, Leon." (Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle a bit and picked up her basketball. Taking a closer look at him, she noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Tilting her head to the side slightly, the (h/c) haired female raised an eyebrow, receiving a small huff from Leon. "Nah, not really. Couldn't sleep. For some reason..." "Oh, I see." She nodded and threw a basketball towards him.

Yes, the Ultimate Baseball Star really couldn't sleep well. He wasn't sure if it was from the excitement of playing basketball with (y/n), or if it was just a sleepless night in general. He was ripped out of his thoughts when the basketball hit his stomach. "GOD D-MMIT!"

"You're even too tired to catch a ball?" Holding back a small laugh, the female could feel herself getting slightly concerned. "If you want to rest today, that's fine with me. You look like a walking corpse, that could fall down every moment." "...was that meant as advice or an insult...?"

Even though the orange haired male really didn't want to pass the opportunity of spending time with her, he felt exactly like her description of him: A walking corpse. Yawning, he shrugged. "I mean, some sleep would be really f-cking nice, ya know...?" "Then go back to your room."

"Hmm..." The Ultimate Baseball thought for a few moments. "Okay, but you gotta take the nap with me." Well, that was odd. 'He's a flirt, I know that, but isn't it a bit too much for him?' "Why would you need me to take a nap with you?"

"Because I say so..." He grinned sleepily at her and grabbed her wrist. 'This is confusing me.' Was the only thought that crossed (y/n)'s mind. First, he seemed all energetic, and now he suddenly needed a nap? Shrugging, she just let him drag her off. Struggling wouldn't do anything.

And after all, it was just a nap. Not anything intimate. 'An intimate situation with Leon? No.' Despite her thinking negatively of it, the Ultimate Basketball Star felt her cheeks burn up slightly. 'Am I blushing...? Why would I be blushing over something like that...?' "Alright, we're here..." Leon suddenly said.

Opening his door, he let go of her wrist and fell onto his bed, shifting over to the wall that was besides his bed. "C'mon, I'm tired..." Not thinking much of it, (y/n) slipped off her shoes and laid besides her friend, who closed his eyes.

'Who thought he could be so peaceful and... Almost cute?' She felt a pair of arms that snuck around her waist and pulled her closer to a warm body. 'This feels really nice, actually...' The (h/c) haired girl sank into his arms and also closed her eyes. 'Since I've met him, I've changed... Kind of...'

Leon on the other side was already sound asleep, probably sleeping better than ever before. 'Isn't this something that couples do...? No... It can be in a friendly way too, right...? Mm, who cares...' With that, the (h/c) haired girl fell asleep.

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