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(Y/n)'s first reaction was to freeze and widen her eyes. That definitely happened too fast for her to be anymore angry at the orange haired male. 'His lips are soft...' She thought. 'Just this once...' Closing her eyes, the Ultimate Basketball Star kissed back softly, enjoying the kiss.

Her heart was beating fast and her mind was racing. When she got out of bed that morning, she definitely did not expect that she would be kissing Leon Kuwata later. But how could she have seen this coming? 'Why am I feeling so strangely warm inside...?'

Leon on the other side wasn't having an anymore easier time. He was actually blushing for once, his eyes half closed as his thoughts only revolved around (y/n): How soft and warm her lips were, and how he couldn't believe that she had actually started to kiss back. Was this a dream?

'I just meant this as an escape from her anger and the uncomfortable situation, but she's not even pushing me away... I love the feeling of her lips on mine...' After a little while though, he had to pull away for air, looking at the blushing (h/c) haired girl.

"What was that...?" She mumbled, delicately touching her lips with her fingers and raising her head to look at him. "Uhh... Was that your first kiss?" Was the only thing Leon could manage to mumble out, looking right back at her. "Yes, it was... That doesn't mean I didn't like it though..."

Seeing an opportunity to make the situation less awkward, Leon grinned and scratched the back of his head. "I honestly thought you would hit me or something like that, haha! But it felt really nice. Kissing you, ya know?" Nodding, (y/n) had to lean against the wall behind her.

"Wanna do it again though?" The Ultimate Baseball Star suddenly said, leaning close to her, his nose touching hers slightly. Blushing again, the (h/c) haired girl had to think for a moment so she wouldn't stutter her response out. "Sure, I guess..." Smirking slightly, Leon leaned in again.

This time, the kiss was much more calm but also more heated. After kissing a bit, Leon licked (y/n)'s lips, asking for entrance, which she gave him without thinking twice. 'This feels so strange, but really good...' She thought while their tongues fought for dominance.

'D-mn, I could do this all day and not get tired of it...' The orange haired male thought, closing his eyes again and wrapping his arms around her waist, squeezing it slightly, which caused the female to let out a small gasp, though she also wrapped her arms around his neck.

'Now I'm kind of glad that Chihiro left already... He's so innocent, I'm not really sure how he would react to this... But Leon probably wouldn't have done this when he would be still here...' Even though she remembered the situation from before, she didn't want to waste her time with being mad.

'This moment is too amazing to waste it with being mad at him for a glare and a few words... Does this make me a bad friend...? I will have to apologize to Chihiro if so...' Just when she thought about doing so, Leon gave her waist another squeeze.

He wasn't the only one who secretly seeked the other's touch. (Y/n) played with his hair while they kissed, pulling him slightly closer to her, not embarrassed anymore at all. 'Who thought this day would have such a nice ending...? I definitely didn't...'

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