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484 20 14

"Come on!" Leon yelled in frustration, crumbling down onto the ground after loosing another match to the Ultimate Basketball Star. "You're good, but I'm still the best at it." Was the only thing (y/n) said, though she smiled and helped the male up again. "Not fair..." He grumbled.

"Now, don't get grumpy. What did you expect when you asked the Ultimate Basketball Star to play basketball with you?" After that, the Ultimate Baseball Star was quiet for a little bit, before shrugging. "I guess I thought I would at least have a small chance at winning against you."

"Yes, you thought, but that's it." Just as he was about to say something again, someone entered the gym. "(Y/n)!" A brown haired person happily cheered, stopping next to the (h/c) haired girl. "Long time no see, Chihiro. How have you been doing?" "I've been doing great! You?"

While the two of them began a small conversation, Leon felt jealousy growing inside of him. Yes, Chihiro was a girl - or so he thought -, but he didn't know (y/n)'s sexuality. What if she liked girls too? And Chihiro was really cute, just not his type. (Y/n) was.

His anger only started getting worse when Chihiro gave her friend a hug. Not in a romantic way, but a friendly one. But Leon didn't know that. "Yeah, Chihiro, nice to see ya again, but (y/n) and me were playing basketball together. You wanna join us or nah?"

The orange haired male knew exactly that Chihiro didn't like playing sports too much. She was more the fragile type of person. He knew she would say no, which was why he asked her to join them to begin with. "Oh no, I'm sorry for interrupting you! I will watch you!"

With that, the brown haired female walked over to a few chairs that didn't get carried away yet, and watched Leon passing a basketball to (y/n). "Let's continue playing now, okay? I still wanna beat you!" He said, receiving a nod and a confused look from the female.

"Why do you seem so annoyed? Or are you angry?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly while scoring. "I'm not annoyed." Was the only thing she got as an reply, which confused her even more. He obviously was bothered by something. But what was it?

Noticing the tense atmosphere, Chihiro stood up and brushed off the dust from his skirt. "I have to do some more programming. I hope you continue to enjoy playing basketball with each other." He said, giving them a sweet smile before exiting the gym, leaving them alone again. Leon let out a sigh.

"Finally...'" He muttered, making the (h/c) haired female shoot a harsh glare at him. "What is your problem with Chihiro? She's such a sweet and innocent girl!" Hearing that she genuinely sounded angry and upset, the Ultimate Baseball Star quickly waved his hands around in front of him.

"I didn't mean it like that, I swear!" Rolling her eyes, the Ultimate Basketball Star turned away from him. "How am I supposed to interpret you being relieved about her leaving? She's my friend. If you have a valid reason to hate her, tell me now." He almost shivered at her cold voice.

'How do I save this situation?' Not thinking much, Leon dropped the basketball and stepped forward, grabbing the (h/c) haired female's shoulders and leaning up. While the basketball was bouncing away in the distance, the male's lips collided with hers. And to his surprise, she kissed back.

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