ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ

403 21 13

(Y/n) turned the page of her book, looking at the (f/c) watch on her wrist afterwards. Only one more hour until Leon had to be at the stadium. But he wasn't packing his bag, showering or anything like that. No, he was panicking, running through his room, desperately trying to find his baseball bat. The female sighed.

She was sitting on his bed for about two hours now, but no matter how much time passed, he just couldn't find it. "How could you loose this big of an object in the first place?" The Ultimate Basketball Star shook her head, seemingly disappointed in her boyfriend, who just whined before going back to searching.

"That's not funny! I only have an hour left!" "I never said that it's funny. I'm just confused, that's all. Normal people loose their pen or their jacket. You loose a metal bat that you use everyday." "I leaned it against the wall, but now, it's gone!"

With a frustrated growl, he let himself fall onto his bed, right besides her. "Hmmm..." The (h/c) haired female looked around, sighing when she saw how messy it was by now. "The only thing I know is that you'll clean your dorm tomorrow. Thanks to your searching, it's-"

(Y/n) stopped and picked up a familiar metal bat. 'Wow. It was laying behind me the whole time.' She thought, tapping her boyfriend's shoulder. Leon looked up, gasping when he saw what she was holding. "What?! Where was it?! I searched every single space of this whole dorm room!"

Almost embarrassed, she laughed. "Well... It was right behind me." For a moment, there was completely silent. Until the metal bat dropped to the ground, breaking said silence. The reason why it dropped down? Leon had pinned (y/n) down.

Surprised by his sudden move, the Ultimate Basketball Star widened her eyes. 'I can't decide if his eyes are showing anger or passion...' She thought, continuing to stare into his grey eyes. Suddenly, she felt his lips on hers as his hands gently held her waist, squeezing it.

"Hey, what are you..." She mumbled against his lips, but didn't continue her sentence as she gave a soft sigh, letting herself melt into the kiss. 'This moment... Is just perfect...' (Y/n) thought. And she was right. Until someone knocked on his door, giggling sounding from the other side of the door.

With an annoyed sigh, Leon slowly stood up and walked to the entrance of his dorm. As soon as he had opened the door, a group of girls began to ask him tons of questions, seemingly excited. 'It seems like they're pretty young...' His girlfriend thought, humming.

'I don't mind it that much, they look like friendly girls.' Before she could think anything else, familiar footsteps, created from heels, came walking towards the door. "Girls please, I need some time to speak to my boyfriend." An arrogant and awful high pitched voice said as familiar blonde hair could be seen.

"Leon, it's me! (G/n) (Girl's name)! I'm sure you missed me, didn't you?" Yes, the blonde girl had chosen a different approach. She was sure, Leon would not be able to resist her. 'I am perfect for him. I'm popular, goodlooking and my father sponsored so many games!'

"My what?" The Ultimate Baseball Star stared at her in disbelief. Did she just call herself his girlfriend? 'What is wrong with this b-tch?' He thought to himself. Though, he noticed all the girls squealing to late as a pair of lips planted themselves on his. But they weren't (y/n)'s.

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