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501 21 10

After walking Leon to his room, (y/n) gave a small wave and walked off, deep in thought for some reason. She just couldn't believe it. Did Leon Kuwata really just ask her, if they could play basketball together? 'This must be a dream, there's no way...' The (h/c) haired female thought.

Maybe she was slightly over reacting, but she really didn't believe it. Wasn't he the one who was always saying that baseball was better than basketball? Did he suddenly change his mind? Sighing, the Ultimate Basketball Star shook her head. "I'm being dramatic, it's just basketball, right?"

Yes, it wasn't that big of a deal for (y/n) - or so she thought -, but for Leon, it was. Speaking of which; The Ultimate Baseball Star was taking a shower while she was over thinking, and found himself unable to calm down, for some reason. 'D-mmit...' He sighed.

Turning off the hot water that came down on him, the orange haired male grabbed a nearby towel that was laying on the sink, drying himself off. '(Y/n)... Why can't I stop thinking about her? This is so f-cking annoying.' He groaned, throwing the towel to the side.

"I still need to text the others. They don't know that I'll be playing basketball tomorrow instead." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his phone and opening the messenger. »Won't be at practice tomorrow, have other plans.« Was the only thing Leon sent before putting his phone away again, sitting down.

Said object vibrated a few times - probably furious teammates -, but the Ultimate Baseball Star couldn't care less at that moment. He usually wasn't the type of person to get all nervous and stuff, but just thinking about playing basketball with (y/n) made his heart beat slightly faster.

"How can someone have such bad luck? I have tons of girls that are head over heels for me. But nooo, I had to catch feelings to the one girl that thinks I'm annoying on a daily basis!" Leon growled, pressing his face into a pillow out of frustration. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..."

The male continued to pout and curse for a while before looking up slightly, gazing at the small clock besides his bed. 'Damn, it's already 1 am? For how long have I been a whiny b-tch?' He thought, turning around and turning off the lights in his room.

'I should get some sleep for tomorrow. As long as I'm concerned, I know nothing about basketball and I probably need - as well as for baseball - a lot of energy for it.' Leon yawned and closed his eyes, finally going to sleep after a long day full of exhausting events.

Going back to (y/n), the Ultimate Basketball Star was reading a book, even though it was - as Leon had already noticed before he went to sleep - already 1 am. She just couldn't fall asleep, nor could she figure out why her thoughts would sometimes go back to Leon.

'What is it with me not being able to concentrate on my book...?' The (h/c) haired girl thought with a sigh and closed her book, laying it down besides her. 'Could it be...? No. I'm definitely not excited to play basketball with him tomorrow.' Sighing once more, she laid back.

'Who am I kidding? A few days after we started playing baseball together, we actually became friends, and since then, I sometimes get really happy and excited inside when we're spending time together.' Turning off the lights in her room, the (h/c) haired female managed to somehow fall asleep.

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