ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

536 24 9

Standing in front of Leon's dorm room door, (y/n) knocked, crossing her arms afterwards. She had surprised herself by accepting his offer to go to the city together. But why not? Lately, he hasn't been really annoying, and she found herself enjoying his presence, even though it was just a bit.

'Most girls and even guys would probably kill someone to be me right now.' The (h/c) haired female thought while checking her (backpack/bag). 'Money, my phone and my keys...' Checking everything, she looked up when the door finally opened, and she was greeted with a familiar face.

"There you are, Kuwata. What took you so long?" The Ultimate Basketball Star asked, checking the (f/c) watch on her wrist. Who would need over fifteen minutes to open a door? "Haha, sorry, (y/n), I was just getting dressed. Anyways, are ya ready for our date?"

In attempt to put his arm around her shoulders, Leon came closer to said girl, who just let him with a sigh. "We're not going on a date. In fact, I would rather die alone." Pouting slightly, the orange haired male shrugged and started walking. "Whatever you say, haha!"

"Anyways, why did you want to go to the city with me? And don't answer with anything related to a date." "Well, I just wanted to take a walk with ya! Is that so bad?" "Not really, but you can never know." The rest of the walk out of the building was relatively silent.

"Hey, I just noticed, I never saw one of your basketball matches!" Leon suddenly said, thinking to himself for a short while. "So?" "When's the next one?" Looking through the calender on her phone, the (h/c) hairded girl hummed. "My next game is Saturday night."

"I'll be there!" 'He'll be there? Why? What's the point in coming to a basketball game when you don't even really like the sport?' (Y/n) thought to herself quietly and looked at the Ultimate Baseball Star, as if he could read her thoughts and answer her questions. "Is something wrong, (y/n)?"

"Hm?" Realizing that she had been staring at him, she quickly looked away and shook her head. "No. Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about something." "You were thinking about me, weren't ya?" Leon teased her and nudged her arm with his elbow. "No, I wasn't." "Sure not, haha!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes slightly. She really wasn't used to statements like that, nor was she used to actually do something else than playing basketball and reading the whole day. But it somehow was really nice. It was really nice to have someone's company and talk to them.

Even if it was an annoying baseball player, that had nothing better to do than joking around all day. Was that really a bad thing though? Sure, he was annoying - not as much as before anymore though - and he was flirty sometimes, but he was still really nice to be around.

When they finally arrived at the city, (y/n) looked around, her hands in the pocket of her pants. It was evening, and the city was already shining brightly. "It looks really nice..." The Ultimate Basketball Star muttered, receiving a nod from Leon. "Mhm. Hey, do you know that restaurant?"

He pointed at a fancy looking restaurant, making her raise her head a bit to look at it. "Hmm, no, I don't. Isn't that the one that opened recently?" "Seems like it.. Let's go and eat something! I'm hungry from practising all day!" "Annoying me is practising?" "Shush!"

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