ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪғᴛᴇᴇɴ

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Leon pulled away, his hands gently holding her waist, caressing it slightly. "Might have to tell you something..." He mumbled, laying his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes with a sigh. (Y/n) blushed slightly, running a hand through his hair, playing with it a bit. "What is it?"

"I might have caught feelings for you..." The orange haired male confessed, still having his eyes closed and his head on her shoulder. Leaning her head back slightly, the Ultimate Basketball Star nodded. "I see. I think I feel the same. No, I know that I feel the same."

His heart skipped a beat when the words left her mouth. "You do?" He lifted his head up, his eyes sparkling slightly from excitement. (Y/n) nodded, almost a bit shy as she gave him a small smile. "I do. It seems like you really aren't that big of an idiot."

Hitting her shoulder playfully, he chuckled. "Heh, thanks, I guess! But to be honest, I thought you were really f-cking beautiful from day one." The Ultimate Baseball Star smirked and snuck an arm around her waist. 'Does he really think I wouldn't notice that?' She thought, smiling slightly though.

'I like holding her like this.' Was the only thing that was going through Leon's mind at that moment. But why would he have to think about anything else? After all, there was nothing more important than (y/n) right now. Nuzzling his face into the side of her neck, he closed his eyes.

"Are you tired again?" The (h/c) haired girl never was in a relationship before, so she wasn't sure what to think of this. Was this some type of attention that you would give your partner? Obviously. Why else would he just nuzzle her neck then?

She froze when he slowly attached his lips against her neck though. A dark blush spread over the (s/c) skin of her face. "Leon...?" (Y/n) mumbled, looking at her new boyfriend who was now starting to plant soft kisses all over her neck. 'My heart is beating so fast...'

The orange haired male carefully tilted her head back for more access to her neck, feeling his face heat up slightly. 'Her skin is so soft and warm...' He thought. Oh, how good it felt to know that she finally was all his. 'Took me long enough to get her...'

After kissing her neck for a while, the Ultimate Baseball Star slowly detached his lips from his girlfriend's neck, almost immediately missing the feeling of it. The (h/c) haired girl didn't feel any different. Having him treat her like this was making her feel so extremely special.

"Could you... Do that again sometime...?" She slowly asked, looking at her boyfriend who gave her a nod, grinning afterwards. "Of course! I wanna treat my girl right, ya know?" 'His girl... I really like being called this.' The female thought, smiling to herself quietly. "Watcha smiling at?"

"Nothing. I just kind of like it when you call me this." "Call you what? My girl?" She gave him a small nod and received a grin. "Heh, good to know! I won't stop calling you that anytime soon!" 'I'm glad to hear that.' The Ultimate Basketball Star thought with a small giggle.

Leon's eyes widened. "Did you just giggle?" Slowly, (y/n) gave another small nod. "I did. Why?" "You never giggle! Do it again!" "No." "Why not?!" He pouted. "Why should I?" She sighed. "Because it was adorable!" "I am not adorable." "You are! And you can't deny it, haha!"

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