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Someone knocked on the Ultimate Basketball Star's dorm room door. Without waiting for an answer, a familiar, orange haired male stormed in. "(Y/n)! I need your help!" He said, throwing himself onto her bed. The (h/c) haired girl glanced at him slightly before raising an eyebrow. "With what?"

Before he even had the chance to start explaining, someone knocked on (y/n)'s door. Again. Slightly annoyed, the female opened and was faced with multiple girls. "I'm sure that I've seen Leon here!" One of them said, about to step into the others room, when she was stopped.

"What are you doing here?" The Ultimate Basketball Star asked and blocked the doorway by standing right in the middle of it. "Get out of the way! We saw our Leon run in here!" "Your Leon?" The blonde haired girl rolled her eyes and nodded. "Leon Kuwata? Are you dumb?"

"The Ultimate Baseball Star?" "Duh!" "I'm sorry, but he isn't in here. I would know, especially since it's my own dorm room." With an annoyed huff, the group of girls stormed off. "Why were they chasing you, Kuwata?" (Y/n) asked and closed the door, turning her head to the male.

"I don't know! That's the problem!" The orange haired ultimate groaned and buried his face in the (h/c) haired girl's pillow, resisting the urge to scream into it. "I mean, it's nice that I have fans and all that, but it's getting too much sometimes..." He mumbled.

"I can't even understand how you have fans." "Don't be so mean..." Leon was getting slightly grumpy at how the female was talking to him, but he liked it. Most girls were head over heels for him, so it was nice that he could talk normally to the Ultimate Basketball Star.

Shoving the Ultimate Baseball Star to the side a bit, (y/n) sat on her bed and continued reading the book that she was reading before Leon came into her room. "What are ya reading?" He asked and sat up slightly, looking at the book that was titled (f/b).

"Woah, I know that book!" "You read?" Was the only thing as response from the (h/c) haired female, but to her surprise, he didn't try to argue with her because of her comment and just shook his head. "Nah, I just signed this book for a fan a bit ago."

"Why am I surprised and not surprised at the same time?" "Is that even possible? Anyways, thank ya for helping me with those crazy fans earlier." Leon actually gave her a a smile, which caught the female off guard. "You're welcome, I guess...?" "Mhm! So... Are we playing baseball tomorrow again?"

"Yes. I don't know how, but you managed to force yourself into my daily routine. It would be a shame if I would not play baseball with you tomorrow then." A wide grin placed itself on the Ultimate Baseball Star's face at her words. "Aww, really?"

"Don't get your hopes up too much though. I'm simply saying that I will continue playing baseball with you everyday." 'I'm just glad that he stopped with the whole >Baseball is better than basketball< topic. That was really bothering me.' A few seconds later, someone tried to snake their arms around her waist.

"Kuwata, get your arms off of my waist." "Or what?" The orange haired male grinned playfully. "Or baseballs won't be the only balls the bat will hit tomorrow." Immediately, he retreated his arms. "Woah woah woah, calm down, (y/n)!" Said girl turned her head away to hide a small smirk.

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