ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ

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"Oh my God... Is that her?" A girl asked, pointing at (y/n) who was just passing by. Her friends snickered something quietly, nodding. "Why is she his girlfriend? I would be a better match for Leon!" A blonde one said, looking at herself in the small mirror that she had with her, applying a dark red to her lips.

"Did you get the tickets though?" Another one asked, looking at the blonde female. "Of course I did. I wouldn't miss Leon's game! Maybe you would, but I wouldn't." She replied, throwing her hair over her shoulder with a mean smile.

It wasn't the first time that these girl had talked bad about the Ultimate Basketball Star, even though they didn't have any special talent. They were in the reverse course, but made sure that everyone knew that they wanted Leon to notice them, no matter what it would take.

"There he is! Quick, do I look good?" "Who cares?! How does my hair look? I got it done only a few days ago!" "I painted my nails orange just for Leon!" "They still look ugly though. Anyways, where's my make-up bag? I can't find it anymore!"

While the girls panicked, the Ultimate Baseball Star just walked past them, not even waving at them. He knew about them, and he didn't like what he heard. 'Do these f-ckers really think they can compare themselves to (y/n)? That's really f-cking hilarious. No ones good enough except her.'

The blonde haired girl quickly rushed towards him. "Leon! We have tickets for your game this weekend! My father made sure to pay enough so we could sit at the front. You know, to see you better!" She began to brag, attempting to hold onto his arm, which he pulled away.

"That's cool, I guess?" Was the only thing the orange haired male replied, looking at his phone while her friends joined them. "I can't wait to see you play! You're the best at baseball!" Leon looked up, his eyes giving her a look of irritation and boredom.

"Yeah, that's why I'm the Ultimate Baseball Star? I don't really think it takes a big brain to figure out that I'm good at baseball." His response seemingly disappointed the girls. Of course, they didn't throw any cold stares at him, they wouldn't do that to their Leon! Though, their smiles faded slightly.

"Aww, why are you so mean to us today?" The blonde asked, giving him a sweet smile. 'Why is she trying so hard?' He thought with a quiet sigh, hoping that this would be over soon. "Look, I really have to go now. Training, ya know?" "Stay a bit longer!"

"I really can't stay any longer." Leon said while leaning his head back, searching for a good excuse to get away from these girls. "One of our players is sick, so we need to train even harder to make it without him." "They have you, it's an easy win!"

"Please stop talking about things this confidently when you have no idea what it even is about." Someone suddenly said as footsteps could be heard near them, and a short amount of time later, (y/n) was standing right next to them, an annoyed look on her face.

"What are you talking about? My father sponsored some of these games!" The blonde said, obviously irritated. The (h/c) haired female though could not care less about the girl's feelings. Grabbing her boyfriend's hand, she walked off, sighing. "I kind of get why they're obsessed with you, but no. Just no."

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