Chapter 6: Arrival at Kraghammer

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Jessica lead the party up to the gates. She flashed the papers up at the guards keeping watch. They gave a nod and opened the gates. Once they were inside, Jessica realized problem number one.

"Anyone speak Dwarven?" Jessica looked around at the party.

"Pike did." Scanlan sighed and looked longingly at the gate.

"Wonderful. Awesome. Remind me, where is Pike?" Jessica was annoyed, hot, and thirsty. It was a long week on the road. "Oh right, she left two days ago because she had a vision!"

"Uh hum." Tiberius cleared his throat. "I speak Dwarven."

Jessica took a breath. "Ok good. Can we please go ask someone for directions?"

"Yes, yes, of course." They looked around and tracked down the nearest guard they could find. Tiberius approached them.

"Greetings and Salutations. I am Tiberius Stormwind. My friends and I would like to inquire about suitable lodging around this fine establishment."

The guard looked them up and down, a smirk going across his face and when he spoke, Jessica was relieved to hear common.

"If you're looking for a place to stay, try the Pig Pits."

"The Pig Pits?" Jessica raised her eyebrows skeptically.

"Uh," Scanlan interrupted. "This lovely lady would like to know where the Pig Pits might be located." He tried to flash a charming smile.

"Just over there." He pointed. And down the way, all there was, was dirt and mud.

Grog narrowed his eyes. "Seems rather wet if you ask me."

"I think he means actual Pig Pits." Vex sighed. She went over to the guard, she pulled out a gold coin. "Please. Were looking for a more...suitable lodging for the evening." She tossed him the coin.

"At least one of you knows how to speak Dwarven." He pocketed the small gold coin. "Now if you want good food and lodging, head to the Iron Hearth Tavern."

"And where might that be located?" Vex crossed her arms.

"Oh ya can't miss it dearie. Keep heading straight and when you come to the place with lights and very, very, very drunk people, you've arrived."

"Thanks doll." Vex gave a wink and everyone headed off.

And he was quite right. You couldn't miss it. The Iron Hearth was lit up like a candle. There was loud music playing, drinks clinking and just overall, a jovial atmosphere. They entered in, Grog having to duck slightly but the party made it work. However, once everyone was inside, everything stopped. All eyes seemed to be on them, no one moved, not one iota of a twitch. Until a dwarf broken the silence. "Well it's not very often that we catch someone with that kind of a mug on ya. Lemme buy ya a drink! Come, sit down!" Everyone gave each other quizzical looks before Grog bounded over like a six-year-old girl and sat down. "Dont have to tell me twice." The rest of the group made their way in. "In fact, a round for everybody!" Vax announced. And for a second time, the entire Tavern went dead silent. And then a moment later an eruption of screams, clanging of glasses and clapping occurred.

"Table." Percy whispered to Jessica and started to maneuver her to one of the empty tables. Jessica didn't fight or argue as he lead her to an empty table. Vax and Scanlan went to see about lodging while the rest of them followed Percy.

Adra, the Tavern owner brought drinks over soon after.

"That was very generous of your friend over there to buy rounds for everyone."

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