Chapter 15: K'Varn Revealed Part 1

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Jessica woke the next morning to Percy fixing up a few old boats so the party could get across the lake to Yug'Voril. Jessica stood up and stretched before walking down to him. He seemed deep in concentration.

"I don't have time -" Percy looked up. "I didn't realize you were up." He gave a small smile.

"Sleep has been evading me." Jessica gave a sigh.

"It's been evading us all." Percy agreed, then patted the spot next to him. "Come sit."

Jessica graciously joined him. It was a comfortable way to wake up. Just the two of them, Percy tinkering away. Jessica unconsciously leaned against Percy, her head resting on his shoulder.

Percy stopped what he was doing and looked down at Jessica. He couldn't help but smile at her.

"As much as I want to relish this morning, we should fix these boats."

Jessica glanced up at him, "But I'm comfortable."

Percy gave a light chuckle. "Come on."

He pulled Jessica up and went back to working. Jessica helped as much as she could, however she was by no means a builder. Most of her help consisted of her staring at Percival working.

There was a smirk. "You're staring."

"Admiring." Jessica smiled. "It's fine craftsmanship."

Percy went to open his mouth. When there was a scream further up, and both of them snapped their heads in the screams direction. 

"Undead! Undead!" Scanlan was screaming down towards them. Everyone else was a heartbeat behind him. Chasing the majority of the party was a small horde of undead.

Jessica and Percy gave each other a look before springing into action. Percy pulled out his Pepperbox and shot, taking two of them down. Jessica sent three Scorching Rays, each in turn finding their mark.

Just as everyone had made it to the bank, Vax froze and was unable to move.

"Tibs...come on Fireball the rest of these things." Vax spat through gritted teeth.

But Tiberius held his ground and refused to fight. Each in turn took a glance at him before turning to the fight at hand.

Clarota and Jessica caught a glimpse of each other and gave a nod. Clarota moved with deftly grace, removing Vax from his rooted spot. Once he was clear, Jessica sent an ice storm at the horde killing the majority.

Jessica was not fast enough to get them all and one came, knocking her prone.

But as quick as it was there, it was gone. Grog had pulled it off her, smashing it against one he had clutched in his hand until it was just a confetti of bones.

"Boat! Come on. Let's get going before more show up." Percy was ushering everyone in.

"Come on Princess." Grog scooped Jessica up like a ball and skipped off to the frantic party.

Once all parties were accounted for, they were off. Each of them in turn catching their breath.

"Alright!" Scanlan stood up in the center of the boat. "We should be in the clear-"

There was a menacing call as a creature swooped down to the party.

"Fuck me." Scanlan sighed and stood up and strummed his lute. A large purple hand emerged grabbing the creature tight.

"What is that thing?" Vax leaned up.

"Cloaker." Clarota responded.

With Scanlan holding onto the Cloaker, Vex shot out one eye. Jessica used her shadow dagger to remove the other.

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