Chapter 18: Escape from the Underdark

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Jessica still held the Horn of Orcus aloft as Kima came over to her.

"Well done child, well done indeed." Kima circled the horn, examining it.

"Let's secure it before it possess one of us." Vax was at Jessica's side, his hand on her shoulders. Grog brought over the bag of holding and Jessica placed it inside.

Vax gave Jessica's shoulder a squeeze. "We should get out of here."

"Agreed." Vex had settled next to them.

Jessica looked over to Clarota. "What should we do friend? Do we stay, do we leave, or do we– what do you? There are hundreds upon thousands of illithid rushing at us right now, and they don’t like Tiberius much, by the way–"

Vex cut her off. "We should get out of here, before Percy decides to throw you over his shoulder and drags you out of here."

Clarota looked back at Jessica. "Come here Runechild."

Jessica went to settle by Clarota when Vax pulled her back to his side and stared down Clarota. "I don't like this."

"Brother..." Vex looked to her twin.

Clarota finally gave a sigh and a nod. "Stay but a moment; I will talk to them."

"To the hive?" Scanlan questioned.

Clarota gave a nod. 

Tiberius huffed. "Good. Let's destroy the Horn and be done with this."

"No." Jessica interjected almost too quickly.

The group turned to her.

Tiberius huffed. "Are you even with us Jessica? Runechild. Whatever blasted thing you are?!"

"Are you?!" Vax argued, pushing Jessica behind him. "Because you disappeared for the whole fight. So I'll ask again. Are you with us?"

"I am." Tiberius answered.

"You're not going to dissappear again?"

Tiberius shook his head in disbelief. "I never disappeared to begin with."

"You weren't there when we needed you." Percy now stood between Vax and Tiberius. "When she needed you. You were out doing Gods know what."

"What matters now," Jessica stepped away from Vax and towards Kima, "is sealing that thing away." Jessica motioning to the Horn. "I'm afraid that if the Horn is destroyed, it will unleash consequences that none of us are ready to deal with."

"Jessica's right." Kima crossed her arms. "And I have a place where that Horn can be properly sealed away."

"Right so Clarota -" Jessica fell silent as Clarota was no longer with the group. He was now on the opposite side of the room. Two stone doorway opened up and three more mind flayers glide in. Accompanying them were two small bi-pedal brain like creatures. Grog went to attack when he was suddenly grappled by something in one of the cages.

Clarota held his hand to Jessica once again.

Jessica's eyes darted between the creatures coming into the room making their way towards the Elder Brain, Clarota's hand, and the rest of the group.

Jessica suddenly felt a hand wrap around her wrist. She glanced at Vax before he disappeared into the shadows.

Clarota then turned to the other mind flayers and there was a good 20 to 30 seconds before looking back to the group. Before Jessica could react, most of the group bent over in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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