Chapter 17: The Temple Showdown

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Jessica had to thank the Gods the party had made it to Yug'Voril unnoticed. They made it to shore and over to the ruins. They were on the outskirts of a large fungal forest when they came across a large stoney pit. It looked like there was about a fifteen foot drop down into it.

Scanlan immediately became invisible, and Vex and Vax immediately jumped into this giant crater. Both of the twins immediately ducking into a large pile of tattered furs.

Jessica walked to the edge and took a peek, not that she could make out much. Her eyes were just adjusting to the darkened pit when she felt herself being pulled back to a safer distance.

Percy sighed, still holding onto her. "The last thing I need is you falling into that thing...."

Jessica looked back at him, and she couldn't help it, a chuckle escaped her lips. "I am fine doll." However, Percy kept a stoic face. She sighed. "I'll stay away from the edge."

It wasn't long before the rest of the party joined in the fight. Jessica went to follow Percy before Clarota grabbed her wrist. Jessica looked up at him, then settled at Clarota's side.

Jessica crossed her arms watching this debauchery. Finally she huffed and looked up. "Is there a reason this giant was placed here? Or was he placed after you were ostracized?"

There was a low groan. "It somehow had managed to wander into the city. We could not dominate this giant for long. A fight broke out on who would devour it. It was decided to be placed into this pit until its fate could be decided."

Both of them glanced down a few moments later when they heard heavy snoring.

Vex called up to the pair of them."Hey Clarota, can you dominate his mind?"

Jessica felt the tingling magic of a dimension door speel as her and Clarota appeared in the center of the party. That putride smell hit her in a giant wave, and she clung to Percy's coat to keep from puking.

Clarota gave a nod. "I can for a short period of time, or I could just take his mind."

Tiberius huffed. "So a snack essentially."

Scanlan shook his head. "We need his beefyness, tankyness."

Keyelth stepped into the center of the group. "Guys. I have this spell, well more like an ability called Geas. Basically I give him a command and he has to follow that command for 30 days."

Jessica blinked. "Let's just do that before Tiny here decides Scanlan and Pike look like Hors d'œuvres."

Vex leaned an arm on Jessica's shoulder, "we should tie Tiny down at least. Give us more of a security blanket."

Clarota looked between the party and the giant. "I still say you should let me take his mind."

Jessica sighed. "I know you're still hungry Clarota -"

The giant began to stir and its eyes fluttered open. Clarota extended his hand as arcane energy flowed out and the giant fell back asleep.

Jessica sighed, her hands on her hips as Vex and Percy began chaining him.

"Come help me." Keyleth pulled Jessica to her.  Jessica settled beside her. Jessica reached over and put her hand on her shoulder, letting some of her magic flow into Keyelth. Keyleth's eyes flashed blue as she unleashed the spell onto the giant, Tiny.

Tiny opened his eyes a moment later. The girls braced themselves for a fight. But Tiny just sat up and rubbed his eyes. Both girls gave a sigh of relief.

Keyleth had an awkward smile.
"Alright...good...uh follow??"

Tiny stood up and began following the girls. Percy was immediately at her side. The group all gathered and made their way to Yug'Voril.

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