Chapter 7: Into the Greyspine Mines

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Everyone took a moment to catch their breath. Jessica came out from behind the boulders where Percy had pushed her down, and joined the rest of the party.

"Are you alright?" Percy came over to her.

"Yeah I'm fine. You?" She was looking him over for any major bumps and bruises.

Percy chuckled, taking Jessica's face in his hands. "I'm fine, barely a scratch."

Jessica gave a nod leaning into his touch, before throwing her arms around him and holding Percy close. A few moments, they pulled away and Percy tucked Jessica safely under his arm as they were led up to Nostoc's office. Nostoc was standing at the window, his arms folded behind his back as the party came in and closed the door.  Nostoc didn't turn and look at them, just kept staring out the window.

"I ain't gonna lie, these have become a real inconvenience."

"And have these incidents happen often?" Vax leaned against the wall.

Nostoc sighed and gave a nod. "More often than I would like." He finally turned and addressed the party.  "And it's been fucking horrible for business."

"Then do we have the permission needed to go into this mines and stop whatever is causing this monstrosity?" Jessica stepped forward out of Percy's reach. Jessica looked to Nostoc with all the seriousness of the world. Vax had appeared next to her. They briefly touched fingertips together before Vax tried to steal some of the cask of wine that was in the office corner.

"What are you doing half-elf?" Nostoc glanced over at Vax.

"Well, in my culture, it is customary for allies and comrades to...share a drink." Vax'ildan smiled and Scanlan quickly joined in with a song. Jessica bit the inside of her cheek to keep from busting out laughing. She kept a straight face towards Nostoc, who in turn looked at her.

"We do have mutual interests, and common goals. You wouldn't want to offend the party now would you?" Jessica folded her hands and smiled.

Nostoc gave a sigh and shook his head no. "No. No I would not. Go ahead half-elf, pour us a drink."

Jessica gave an internal sigh of relief as Vax was allowed to pour everyone a drink. Vax flashed a smile and raised his glass.

"A toast, to good friends and new adventures." He smiled and took a drink. The rest of the party seemed to follow suit. Nostoc gave a breath. "Now then, out of my office. Go on all of ya. Out. Out!" He shooed them off. As the party went to head Jessica saw Scanlan go for the wine again.

"Scanlan." Jessica smiled.

"Yes my love?" He beamed at her.

Jessica stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "Come hold my hand Scanlan." She held her hand out to him. And as she figured, Scanlan immediately took her up on that offer. Jessica lead him away from the wine and out of the office. She saw Percy open his mouth and Jessica shook her head mouthing the word, "dont."

"We should go look for someone with a map of the mines." Vax put his hands on his hips and looked around.

"Awsome. Uh where would that person be?" Scanlan started to pull Jessica with him towards the end of the hallway.

"Oy!" One of the workers called to the group. "If you're looking for maps, then head to Forman Herris. He should be able to help."

"And his office?" Jessica asked.

"Up the hall, first door on the left."

"Thank you." The party took the directions and headed up to the offices. It was an easy enough find, and they didn't have to wait to long to be ushered inside.

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