Chapter 12: The Throne Room

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Tension were high, and everyone was stressed. As soon as Percy hit the top of the stairs, he slipped his arm around Jessica, pinning her to his side. 

"Percy...that's too tight..." Jessica winced at how firm he was holding onto her upper arm. She was practically tripping over herself just to keep up with his pace.

Percy stopped walking, looking down at her. She saw fear in his eyes, as much as he tried to hide it as if he didn't keep such a tight grip on her, she dissappear right in front of him. He sighed, loosening his grip ever so slightly. "Sorry."

The pair had stopped in the middle of the hallway. Letting the rest of the party deal with the two duergar up the hall. Percy opened his mouth to speak and then closed it, trying to find the right words to say.

Jessica took his hands. "I'm safe."

"Barely." Percy scoffed.

"Clarota-" Jessica had started a defense.

"I don't want you near him. Not anymore." Percy glared at her.

"Wasn't going to kill me." She let the words come out slow and deliberate. "Don't shake your head like that." The words in her mouth became sour.

Percival had let go of her hands and advanced on her."Clarota isn't our friend, remember. We're not all going to hug and hold hands at the end of the day. He is a illithid, a mind flayer. Not a pet." By the time he hand finished that sentence, Jessica was pushed up to the wall, Percy's hands on either side of her, locking her there. "If I thought you'd be safer, I'd have half a mind to send you home."

Jessica straightened up go her full height. She was still short by comparison, but everything her Aunt and Uncle had taught her about etiquette arose in her. Her chin was slightly raised, her shoulders steady and square, her eyes hard and focused.

Percy seemed to take the hint because moments later he copied her stance. He rose himself up, squared off, hands clasped behind him, looking down at her with those same hard and determined eyes.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, Percival, I am not a child that needs attending to. I am quite capable of making decisions for myself."

Percy had only raised on eyebrow at the mention of his full name. And before he could rebuttal, Scanlan called down the hall. "Hey rich entitled children. Blacksmith being killed and need assistance."

Both Percy and Jessica looked in Scanlan's direction, then back to each other before turning and heading toward him. Both of them turn just in time to see Vax throw his Keen Dagger at the base of the blacksmiths skull. He dropped seconds later.

Jessica looked to Lady Kima, who by all accounts was growing tired and impatient continued moving foward, the rest of them trying to keep up.

"Lady Kima, what exactly are we looking for?" Jessica asked, keeping pace with her.

"The vault, child. That's where all my things are being kept. I'd like them back." Kima grabbed Jessica's wrist and pulled her flush against a wall as a guard rounds the corner. Once gone, Kima hurriedly pulled Jessica inside. It was a typical workshop for a Smithy. Weapons line the walls, the ones in process, scattered throughout the room. Kima seemed to be flustered by the second.

"Fuck. They're not here. Let's go child." Pulling Jessica out of the room as quickly as she had pulled her inside. 

Jessica gave an inaudible sigh, thankful that the party hadn't been caught, but irritated that she was being pulled around like a ragdoll. And as they rounded the corner, a highly irritated Kima skidded to a halt, a door right in front of them. 

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