Chapter 9: Attack on the Duergar Warcamp

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It was nothing but a strained walk back to the abandoned goblin town. Vex and Vax took the front. Keyleth was right behind them. Scanlan, Grog and Tiberius were on either side of Clarota. That left Jessica and Percy to bring up the rear. Neither one of them had spoken to the other. Jessica kept glancing at him about every forty-five seconds. And apparently he in turn, as they caught each other's eye.

Both of them stopped and stared. Jessica straightened herself up and crossed her arms. She would NOT let the Lord of Whitestone intimidate her.

"What happened back there-" Percy began, pushing his glasses back up onto his nose.

"Could have happened to anyone." Jessica finished. "And yet here I am. Still alive."

"Barely." Percy retorted.

Jessica scoffed. "If you're that angry then why are you back here with me?"

Percy narrowed his eyes, his tone became cold and lethal. "Do you think that I enjoy watching you risk your life like that? Do you think I want to send you out as a lamb for slaughter?" Percy closed the distance and took Jessica's face in his hands. "Do you really think that I care so little for you?"

Jessica looked at him, her shoulders dropping in defeat. She opened her mouth to speak and then thought better of it. She took a step back out of his grasp and walked on ahead to join Grog, Scanlan and Tiberius. She wiped her tears away before she joined the boys.

"Oh M'lady. Clarota and I were just talking about the arcane. I think you would be interested in listening in." Tiberius looked down at Jessica. "Are you alright?"

Jessica started to answer when Vax brought the entire group to a halt.

"Hush. There's a light ahead." Vax had put his hand out to stop the party. He looked back. "Scanlan come with me. Vex take the rest into the building. I'll meet up with you soon." And before Vex could protest, the pair took off.

Vex lead them into one of the larger buildings, which was still snug for the remainder of the party. Clarota settled towards the back. Tiberius stayed close to him, Vex and Keyleth towards the middle. Percy stood by the door to keep watch and fire if necessary.

"Come here child." Clarota called to Jessica. Jessica looked from him to Percy, who raised an eyebrow at her. Then held his hand out to her. Jessica smiled and shook her head. "One minute." She mouthed. She walked over to Clarota and sat down in front of him. "Yes?"

"The magic within you. It seemes off." He eyed her carefully. "Why?"

Jessica sighed closing her eyes. "Its a long, complicated story." She could feel everyone's eye on her. "One I don't wish to share. Not yet." And though she didn't speak that last part out loud, he knew.

"Give me your hand." He held his own to her. Jessica eyed him considering his offer, then placed her own hand in his. Hers was as small as a child compared to his. It was cold and leathery to the touch.

Clarota closed his eyes and concentrated. Her own mind flooded with memories, memories that burned and seared her mind. Her family, the fire, her Aunt, her Uncle, that room, the blood, all that blood, Ripley, that demonic witch in the center. She didn't realize that she had let out a scream until Percy was pulling her to him. She collapsed into his chest, fits of sobs coming on in waves. He was glaring at Clarota.

"An explanation. Now." The words barely were audible through his clenched teeth.

"I thought her magic was blocked." Clarota stated simply. "Its a simple flip of the mind to unblock it. However hers is not the case. I cannot help."

"If its not blocked then what?" Vex leaned on the wall, arms crossed.

"It is not for me to say." Clarota kept his gaze. "However, a Runechild, especially one as old as her should be more powerful than what she is."

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