Chapter 16: K'Varn Revealed Part 2

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Jessica was glad to have the small quiet. Keyleth and Grog was working on the cave. Percy was working on the boat. Tiberius was currently writing to his brother.

Jessica avoided Scanlan flirting with Kima. No doubt he'd end up with her Warhammer up his ass.

"What are you laughing about?" Percy smiled up at her. Jessica hadn't realized that she had wandered over to the boat.

Jessica nodded back to Scanlan and Kima. Percy followed her gaze, scoffed and continued back on his work. "I also thought I told you to stay away from Clarota?"

Jessica sighed and started untangling knots for Percy. "He's not harmed me, Percival."

Percy stopped his work and looked up at her. "The Emberhold -"

Jessica raised a hand to cut him off. "Kima had threatened Clarota. We were all tense."

Percy stood up, dropping his work, "And it almost cost you your life!"

Jessica dropped the rope, and croseed her arms. "And we're having this argument once again. I'm down here. I try to make it back up to the surface on my own, I'm only aiding the Matron in bringing a swifter death!"

Percy's hand came up and caught her chin. For a moment, neither one of them moved. The grip which had been forceful to begin with. It immediately softened and cupped her cheek. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. "Please stay in my line of sight. It will give me peace of mind."

Jessica nodded. "Promise."

The pair were called over as Tiberius' brother had responded to his letter. He read it outloud to the group. “Tiberius, you speak of the Far Realm, which I am quite familiar with; there are many aberrations. However, I do not know the name K'Varn per se. In my research, there are many things that can fall under the description you say. It's vague enough. Unfortunately, I have not much to go off of. If you had an image or a visual description of this creature I'd be able to help, but at the moment I have no way of giving you any more knowledge. My apologies."

There was a collective groan among the group and everyone went back to what they were previously doing.

Awhile later Jessica was pulled close to the now sealed cave along with Pike and Clarota. "I want to attempt my scrying spell, but I think I need your help."

Jessica nodded taking Keyleth's hand and closing her eyes when...

Tiberius suddenly stopped them. "Your Highness, M'lady. Hold on a second, wait a minute. I think that we're doing this prematurely."

Both Keyleth and Jessica gave Tiberius very confused looks. "Why?"

By now the rest of the party had gathered around. Tiberius looked flabbergasted. "K'Varn will know that we're here."

Jessica huffed. "He already does Tibby. When he possessed Queen Ulara. He said and I quote, 'Welcome, you're my treasured guests.' Remember that? He knows exactly where we are!"

Percy and Pike both nodded in agreement. "It's actually a really good point."

Tiberius threw his hands out. "He had eyes to look through."

Keyleth shook her head, dropping Jessica's hands. "He seems to be pretty powerful and all-knowing. I'm pretty sure he probably knows we're fucking here."

Jessica looked to Percy for reassurance. Finally he closed his eyes, took a breath and nodded. "I think this is a reasonable risk. Let's go for it."

Keyleth and Jessica took hands once again. Before either of them could begin the spell, Scanlan started singing off tune. "Scry, scry,  Keyleth and Jessica, scry, put your eyeballs to the K'Varn and tell us why. This will be the day that I scry. This will be the day that I scry."

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