Chapter 11: Breaching the Emberhold

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  Collecting Trinket was easier than what the party had anticipated. And before they knew it everyone was continuing down. Closer to the Emberhold. Closer to Kima. Closer to K'Varn. The continued downward slope also gave way to the heat. What started out warm, soon became stifling. Sweat beading down from mostly everyone. Except Trinket, who was panting up a storm.

Jessica and Percy hadn't said two words to each other since she had kissed him. Every now and then she would touch her lips, smile, open her mouth to talk and then think better of it.

"You know." Scanlan turned around to face Jessica. "I'm always down for a make out session. If you want to try me out." He flashed her a brilliant smile wiggling his eyebrows.

Jessica stopped in her tracks, entire face beat red, "I-Well...I."

Percy walked past his arm slipping around her waist, pulling her up to walk with him and Vax. "She doesn't. She's just to polite to say no. I on the other hand, am not so polite." Percy turned around and flashed Scanlan a mocking smile.

Continuing on simply lead to more heat. It was starting to effect everyone. Even the more level-headed became agitated. The smells of sulfur began to rise, causing breathing to be difficult, coughing could be heard amongst the crowd.

"I don't suppose anyone has access to water?" Scanlan complained.

"Oh I do!" Tiberius stopped in the middle of the group and pulls out a bottle.

"Its empty?" Jessica questioned.

"At the moment yes." Tiberius pulled out another bottle. "Well, they're both empty, of course, but this one is an air bottle and this one is a water bottle."

Jessica watched as he opened the first bottle and a continuous air stream puffed out of the bottle. Tiberius replaced the cap on the air bottle and then opened the other. Almost immediately, an endless stream of water began to trickle out of it. This allowed everyone to take a moment, get a drink and momentarily cool off. Everyone seemed more stable, less bitchy, they continued their way down the winding path.

It wasn't long before Vex picked up some tracks, causing everyone to pause. "There's a lot." She knelt down to them.

"There also looks to be several cave-ins." Jessica took note of the walls. "We can't be far." Everyone seemed to be more cautious, all on high alert. Eventually, the path gave way to a gargantuan chamber, and at its center a massive fort made of obsidian. They had reached the Emberhold.

"Wow." Jessica breathed.

"We aren't here to admire it love." Vex placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know, but you can't deny that it isn't pretty."

"No. You certainly cannot." Vex agreed.

"Are we going to sit around and discuss architecture all day or are we going to go blow shit up?" Scanlan groaned.

"Well this is definitely the Emberhold." Pike confirmed for them all. "Lady Kima should be inside."

It took a good hour of careful tracking and stealthiling to make any headway towards the secret entrance the general told them about.

As they continued, Keyleth casted those familiar shadows around them. Grog stayed in back with Trinket, sprinking the dust Jessica had seen before.

Jessica, who was currently in her own headspace, was pulled back by both Vax and Percy, halted the entire party. Jessica narrowed her eyes at Percy. She went to open her mouth to speak when he put a finger to his lips, shushing her.

The group was pushed against the wall, as up ahead there seem to be a dozen or so duergar on patrol. It was hard to make out but from what Percy, Jessica and Vax could make out was that one of K'Varns pets were on the lose.

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