Chapter 14: Yug'Voril Uncovered

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Jessica covered her mouth to keep from crying. Scanlan was there, the rest of them had to be there as well.

"Come out Queenie." Scanlan taunted once more. And focusing on her, Scanlan smiled. "My Lady, we have come on a mission. To save the two lovely people you were holding captive. We have completed our mission, the melee, that hovel you called a palace back there, we lost two of our own. We would like them back. Now I'll it very simple because my fellows are begging me to keep things simple. It's a simple binary choice. You can all die right now, or you can turn over our friends and we will probably, probably leave you in peace. I would promise, but I don't make promises to dogs."

Everyone on both sides were quite before Queen Ulara narrowed her eyes, cursing in undercommon.

"Uhh to translate?" Scanlan blinked at her.

"She said 'go to hell'." Vex translated before she let an arrow loose.

And as Jessica could see the fire come down from that arrow. The mindflayer's appeard from its use of invisibility.

The mindflayer managed to stun several of the party. Jessica took a moment to charge the Runes along her arms. She called the lightning lure to her hands.

Jessica glanced back up and had just enough time to bounce out of the way, before Tiberius' Fireball made impact. When the smoke cleared, Jessica saw that it had killed a few of the underlings.

"I do not wish to kill you." Jessica turned to the wood elf behind her.

"Nor I you." Jessica shook her head. "I've seen enough violence for...awhile."

The wood elf went to reply when a dagger suddenly came to his throat. Vax'ildan had emerged from seemingly out of nowhere with a smile plastered on his face. "Thanks for that love." He kissed her cheek. And pulled her along to the rest of the group.

Without another word, Percy had Jessica safely tucked under his arm, his eyes focused to one spot.

"Scanlan managed to banish her. But she'll be back. That spell won't hold for long. Did she hurt you?" Percy finally turned to look at a Jessica.

"No." Jessica gave a reassuring smile and shook her head. "No I'm just fine."

Percy narrowed his eyes, obviously not believing her. He went to reply, but both of them saw a ripple. Ulara would appear in just a few moment.
As soon as Ulara made her appearance, three people shouted. "Hold her!"

Jessica watched as Tiberius cast Hold Person, only for it to fail. Scanlan immediately jumped in with a Hold Person of his own, this time succeeding.
Percy let go of Jessica, placing her behind him. She watched him ready to fire Bad News directly at the Queen's head.

"Wait!" Vax quickly grabbed Percy's wrist.

"On?" Percy pressed.

"WE NEED TO TALK TO HER!" Vax exasperated. His hands motioning to Ulara.

Percy remained eerily calm. "She. Took. Her."

"And we are dealing with that. But we need all the information we can get first. Alright." Vax gave Percy's arm a squeeze. Percy looked from Vax to Ulara before settling Bad News and returning back to Jessica.

Keyleth by this time and in her earth elemental form had managed to grab Ulara in her arms, lifting her up to where her feet dangled to the ground.
Vex took two steps forward, standing in front of Ulara. "It would be in your best interest to not struggle."

Ulara looked at the group. "Alright. So, let's make a deal, shall we?"

Vex smiled lethally. "You're in no position to negotiate."

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