Chapter 13: Glass and Bone

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The trio appeard out of The Emberhold. Jessica could look back and see the magma slowly consume it.

"Why?" Jessica asked aloud. Not to anyone in particular.

"It was me or them Runechild. After all, you were the ones there to kill us."

Jessica shook her head. "No. Not to kill. We were hired."

"For?" Queen Ulara pressed.

Jessica sighed. "To find Lady Kima."

Queen Ulara seemed to take that into consideration.

"But then we heard of another name." Jessica continued looking at the falling magma.

"Oh? And what name would that be Runechild?" Queen Ulara was looking at her more intently now.

"K'Varn." Jessica simply stated. Then she watched as Queen Ulara came over to her and gripped her shoulders forcefully.

"There are some forces that ought not to be tampered with Runechild. Now I can help you improve you magic. I can turn you into something great."

Jessica turned and walked a few steps away looked at the magma consuming the Emberhold. "What is embedded into K'Varn?"

"What all have you seen?" Queen Ulara pressed incredulously.

"A dream here and there. A lot of uneasy sleep. That's where I see him. K'Varn. Looking deranged. Sadistic. But there is something embedded into K'Varn's head. Something that should not naturally be there."

Queen Ulara sighed. "Let us get to camp. Meet up with my rendezvous. There things can be calmly discussed."

"And Grog?" Jessica nodded up to him. He was starting to come to.

There was a wave of the Queen's hand and he was back under her guise.

"Will come along with us. He can be an asset."

"You mean fodder." Jessica narrowed her eyes.

"If it comes down to me or them. I'm chosing myself. And if you cooperate Runechild, you will find yourself in my good graces." The Queen simply turned and began walking away. Grog followed her blindly and she simply had no choice but to follow suit.

Queen Ulara kept Jessica right behind her, and Grog bringing up the rear. They walked, Jessica couldn't quite keep track of the time. It could've been an hour maybe less. They were still in the city. That much was certain.

Once they reached the outskirts. The buildings looked more warn down and dilapidated did the trio come to a stop.

A wood-elf, from what Jessica could tell, emerged from one of the smaller buildings. He bowed to the Queen.

"We've secured this location, we'll be safe for the night." He spoke to her quietly.

"When you say secured?" Jessica spoke to the wood elf in perfect Elvish, he looked to her more than shocked. It was also made clear, the Queen did not speak the language. Undercommon had been used thus far.

"I'm not alone." He kept an even tone.

Jessica gave a nod in acknowledgement. "Who else is with you?"

"Illithid." Was the simple reply.

If Jessica gave any sense of fear, it didn't show.

"Can it be trusted?" Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"It hasn't killed me, if that is what you're implying." The wood-elf answered.

"Excuse me." Queen Ulara commanded attention once more. Both of them acknowledged her. "Let us be done with this idle chatter, and settle for the evening."

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