Act 3 | First Step Settled!

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Armin ran to the school field as they said there were a fight for throne going on. The blonde guy arrived at the crowd. But he confused about something. "Why is it quiet? Did Jean win?" he muttered to himself.

He slipped through the crowd and make it to the front. He gasped of shocked at the fight. There's only one guy standing with  hands in his pocket. "You got to be kidding me." said Armin.

The last standing guy said "Is that all?"

Flashback to the fight

Eren dodged the punch that Jean threw and kicked him at the side of his body. Jean groaned a bit cuz' the damge is too high for his body. 'What the hell? His kick is too strong. Better avoid that later' thought Jean. He went back to Eren and frontkick him but Eren easily dodged it to the side and went for a punch.

His punch hit Jean in the chest making him standing unbalance. Jean moved back a bit as his chest hurts. He panted heavily. Eren saw his action and chuckled. "That's all you got, horse-face?" He provoked Jean by giving him nickname. But that nickname didn't pleasant him. He went for another punch but didn't hit Eren.

From there, Jean realized something between him and Eren. 'Oh so that's why.' he thought while getting punched at the face. 'It's experience, right? I never get into a real fight, but this guy' he took a sidekick from Eren and moved backward.

'This guy has been through lots of fight. All I did to become the top dog was nothing." his thought was cut off by Eren axe-kick on his head making him fall down, unconcious. By the time he fainted, he remembered something.

Flashback when Jean was a first year

Jean was just an all bark but no bite dog when he was a freshman. He goes around and scared the weak and picked on them.

One day, one of his friends said to him. "Hey Jean, why don't we try to challenge the throne? If we do that, all of the students will obey us." By that saying, Jean thought of some ideas. He's going to challenge it.

The day he challenged, all of his friends has been taken down with the previous leader. All of them just lay down in pain as they were beaten up. Jean just lay down and doing nothing. Suddenly, someone came at beat all the third-year alone.

Jean looked at him. He has a blonde hair. His movement was too fast to catch up with ordinary eyes. All of them has been taken down by him alone. After that, he vanished.

And when all of his friends woke up, they thought that Jean is the one who take them down since they saw only Jean is standing up. Jean's heart telling him to deny it, but his mouth says the opposite.

And just like that, Jean becam the top of Paradis High.

End of flashback

He woke up and sees Eren sitting besides him. He sat up and looked at him. Eren looked at him and smiled. "Wake up already? Good. Now let's confirm it. Can you give me the title, please?" Eren begged with puppy looking face. Jean disgusted with that and chuckled.

"You're strong, Eren. I will give it to you but after you listen to my story." Jean said. Eren just nodded and listened to all his story of how he became the top. Eren learned that Jean is actually not the top but be the top by accident.

"I remember who's that blonde guy is." said Jean. Eren just smiled and said. "I also know who that is but you don't have to worry. I've take care of him. Look behind you." Jean turned around and see the blonde guy, laying down unconcious.

"He tried to fight me after seeing you fainted. But all it took is just a punch to knock him. This is the guy who saved you that day, right?" said Eren and Jean nodded.

"Yeah, that's him. Armin Arlett." said Jean.

It was Armin who supposed to be the top. They waiting for him to wake up but it's been 2 hours and he still not moved a bit. This making Eren loses his patience and want to punch him till wake but Jean stopped him.

"Oi wake up already!" He yelled at the unconcious boy. "Relax, Eren. Chill down. It's your fault too. You knocked him." said Jean making Eren calmed a bit.

A few seconds later, Armin woke up. Eren punched his stomach making him groaned. "At last, I thought you died." said Eren. Armin looked at him and looked at his side. There's Jean sighed with Eren's action.

"Oh I fainted." Armin finally realized what situation he's in. Eren chuckled at his clumsyness. "Hehe.. you're a funny guy, Armin." said Eren. Armin smiled and asked him what does he want. But Jean interrupted before Eren answer the question. He kneeled down and begged Armin.

"Thank you, Armin! I know that you're the one who make me the top, but I think I don't deserve it. This guy have what it takes to be the leader." said Jean. He thanked Armin for giving him the title for this past 2 years. But it's time to make a new changes. Eren is more likely to be the strongest in the school. Armin smiled and patted Jean's head. "No, it's not you don't deserve it. You're not yet to deserve it. Thank you for taking care of this school."

Then, he looked at the brunette. "And for you, do you know what it means to be a leader is?" he asked Eren. That question making Eren smiled. Then he stand up and put his hand in his pocket.

"What I know is a leader is better than a boss. It's because being a boss, it's mean you're a cowards. I don't want to a coward." replied Eren. That answer is enough to make him a suitable candidate to be the leader.

Armin looked up to him and smiled. "You better not be a boss." He stood up and hand his hand to shook. Eren smiled and gladly took his hand. "Eren Yeager, please take care of this messy Paradis High!" shouted Armin.

Jean and Eren smiled at his statement. "Yeah! Let's do it together!" Eren said. Then they three sat down at the field and talked about what Eren is going to do.

"Oh right! My mission is to take down the Twin Devils." said Eren.

Jean and Armin shocked with his mission. 'Twin Devils? Is he crazy?' thought Armin. Looking at both of them suprised, Eren chuckled. "I know it sounds crazy but I think we can make it. There's 3 other crew I have to tame. That way we surely  100 percent can win." explained Eren.

They both confused. Does Eren even know what he meant by three other crew?

"You're one crazy leader, Eren. But I'm in." said Armin. "Me too." said Jean. Seeing both making Eren laugh. "Good, good! But I don't know this school system." said Eren curiously. Hearing that makes Armin grinned.

"Or you mean this state underground system?" said Armin giggling evilly makes Eren and Jean hugged in scared.

"There are another school for delinquent like us. Or you can say the second strongest in the North State. It's the Marley High. In this state, our crew was called the Titan Shifters. But ours and their school never met up since 6 years ago. So you have to tame them first before we can move to the next step." explained. Jean nodded agreed with Armin explaination. Eren looked at Armin with intense eye.

"Tell me more, Mr Brain." said Eren.

"You're really impatient, huh?" said Armin.

To be continued

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