Chapter 2 - The Journey to Hogwarts

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Mum held my hand and all but drug me through the berrier between platforms 9 and 10. My breath caught in my throat as I saw the greatest sight of my life. The scarlet steam engine loomed over everyone and everything, smoke billowing out and above the platform, making it impossible to see the sky above.

"How do muggles not see or hear any of this?" I heard my voice ask in awe.

"Magic," Mum whispered in my ear. It was a long standing joke in our family to explain everything because, of course we were magical.

We giggled and ran over to dad, who was handing our trunks over to an attendant. Lavender looked around with infectious excitement and immediately began talking to two girls who were also twins, but identical ones. The train's whistle sounded and both our parents pulled us in for a family hug. Mum was like my best friend in the world and even with this new adventure, a part of me didn't want to leave her. Would I even make any new friends? I wasn't bubbly and outgoing like Lavender. 

As we stepped onto the train it began to move a few inches. I stood there waving until the entire station was just a little speck in the distance. Lavender disappeared after only a few seconds, anxious to start meeting our new schoolmates.

I saw a long hallway before me, with compartments on either side that had sliding doors. Knowing my twin would never let me sit with her and whatever newfound friends  she had, and that I was terribly shy, I began looking for an empty one. Almost to the front, I finally found one and collapsed to the bench seat. 

I sat looking out the window for hours. Seeing all the fields and towns passing by had a sort of calming effect on me. As time passed, I grew more determinted to make friends and not let my twin spoil everything for me. Of course I was most excited when thinking about the prospect of learning spells and enchantments. I looked to the compartment door as a bushy haired girl opened it.

"Did you happen to see a toad? Another first year lost one, a boy named Neville." She asked me.

"I haven't seen anyone or anything." I sat up a little straighter.

"You look like a first year. I'm Hermione Granger." She held out her hand. "I'm a first year too."

"Liberty Brown. And yes, I am." I said shaking their hands and smiling at her.

"Isn't the history of Hogwarts just fascinating?" She gushed, perching on the edge of the seat across from me.

"Oh... Well I haven't really had a chance to learn anything yet... We only got our books a few days ago and I didn't think to get any for extra reading since the school has a library."

"I see." She stood and walked to the door. "Well it was nice to meet you. I'm sure I'll see you around the castle. Don't forget to change into your robes before we get there!" 

And with that she left. I stared after the girl. She seemed a bit rude. Maybe she was just as socially awkward as I was.  

Just then I heard Lavender's voice in the hallway outside the compartment, followed by her laugh. My heart jumped and I looked from the corner of my eyes, hoping she wouldn't see me. She did see me, and flashed a wicked grin my way. She was still with the other set of twins. One of them stopped and looked into my compartment, smiling nicely at me. 

"Why don't we sit in here?" She asked. 

"Looks full to me." She said wickedly and led them away.

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