Chapter 25 - Gideon's Birth

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Seven months to the day the Dark Lord had been destroyed, I went into labor. It was early in the morning as Draco was getting ready for work. He'd been offered a position at the Ministry in the Auror office, working under Harry and alongside Ron and Dean. I wouldn't consider them all friends, but they were civil and worked well together.

I was still lying in bed watching him dress after his shower when a sharp pain crossed my abdomen. I sat up, gasping at the suddenness of it, and we could both hear the sound of my broken water trickling onto the floor.

"What do I do?" Draco asked as he realized what was happening. "Your bag! Where's your bag? Where's the baby's bag? Wait, where's my bag?"      

I flicked my wand and a single suitcase flew out of the closet and into my awaiting hand.

"The owl! I need to send an owl to Ginny! I promised. Where's the owl!"

"Draco!" He stopped pacing the room to look at me.

I was every bit as nervous as he but suppressed it the best I could. He took my hand and apparated us to St. Mungo's. I walked calmly into the birthing room while he ran behind me with a wheelchair, trying to coax me into it.

"Draco," I said calmly. "Send an owl out to everyone. Hurry."

He ran off to do as I asked.

Following the doctors' orders, I was quickly thrown into the worst pain I'd ever felt. All the pain I'd ever endured before that moment was nothing. I cried, I screamed and broke Draco's hand 4 different times. For 13 hours I lay on the bed fighting to bring our child into the world. Draco never left my side. Drinking Skele-Grow, he followed every order the doctor gave to him.

Hearing that first cry and seeing my baby boy melted my heart. He had my dark eyes and Draco's blonde hair. He was more perfect than I could ever imagine a child of mine to be.

As soon as we were allowed to have visitors, both our mothers, Ginny and Lavender filed in. The younger two squealed with delight as Narcissa hung back, holding Draco with tears in her eyes. My mother stood by me, brushing my hair back with affection.

"What are you going to name him?" Lavender asked.

"We don't know yet," I looked at Draco.

"What about Scorpius?" His mother suggested.

I wrinkled my nose. Scorpius sounded so... mean.

Everyone tossed their suggestions into the mix but none had yet stuck out to me. After a few minutes of this I gasped, coming up with the perfect name.

"Gideon," I mumbled and my baby boy looked up to me. "Gideon Sebastian Malfoy."

I heard them all mumble in approval but the only opinion that mattered to me was that of Draco. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I returned it and he crossed the room. Gideon looked up at us with those beautiful, dark eyes and smiled his own little approval.

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