Chapter 19 - Preparing for Battle

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The next morning dawned on us quickly and brightly. I groaned and turned away from the window, closing my eyes tighter against the persistent rays. Draco began playing with my hair and I could hear the smile in his voice as he chuckled at me. I rolled to face him, reveling in the memories of last night. Who would have thought the cold, heartless boy who'd taunted me for years, would be this loving? Could be this gentle?

We settled back into a semi sleep state. I could hear him beginning to snore again when I sat bold upright in the bed, the blanket sliding down, exposing my naked chest. I quickly covered up, blushing. Draco had been awoken from my sudden movements.

"We... We-" I still couldn't say the word. 

"Yes," He furrowed his brows in confusion. "You're not going to say it was a mistake?"

He ran one hand through his hair while the other rubbed his eyes. It was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen. My heart swelled, I loved him so much. 

We were soon both wide awake and dressed for the day, we were went off in search of food. I felt as if I hadn't eaten in days (I guess I truly didn't) and was starving.

The Dark Lord oddly enough, left us be. He neither spoke to us, nor Draco's parents. Not even Bellatrix was his favorite anymore. We most certainly had been tossed to the bottom of the heap. But why were we alive?

We tried to escape that night, but were unable. There were death eaters in every room, guarding every door. There were enchantments in place to keep us from disapparating. We had the run of the house, but still were in a prison.

I waited every day for death. The Dark Lord was known for changing his mind often, and killing at random when the mood struck him. Days went by and we stayed alive. I woke thankful for each one and each night was spent in each other's arms. Some nights were more intimate than others where we just laid and talked. 

About two weeks later I realized that we never used any form of protection. I'd never bothered with any before, assuming that I'd never be intimate with anyone until I was long out of Hogwarts. Being caught up in the moment was the reason many muggles ended up in dire situations such as teen pregnancy. I never thought I'd put myself into that category but it seemed as if I had.

I tried not to dwell on it and instead learned as many spells, jinxes, enchantments and curses I could. The Dark Lord hinted that there'd be a battle soon. When or where we didn't know, but were to just follow when the dark mark burned.

It was a day in early June when it happened. Draco and I had just sat down for dinner with his parents when we heard Bellatrix running through the ballroom.

"It's time, it's time!" She chanted and burst into the room, a look of glee in her eyes.

Lucius grabbed his wife and the three of them disapparated. My arm felt as if it would burn off from the pain, it was more intense than any other time. Draco gripped my hand and we followed his parents and aunt.

I recognized the Forbidden Forest that surrounded Hogwarts. It was time.

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