Chapter 16 - Back at the Manor

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Luna and I traveled together for a while, until about mid-February. But when we met up with Dean and a few goblins, it became too painful for me to be away from Draco any longer. And it didn't help that Dean was a sore reminder of the old me, the Lucy that didn't have a dark mark on her arm. The dark mark burned every waking moment, a punishment for fleeing the manor, I guessed.

I bid goodbye to them all and continued on my own, trying to think of a plan to get back into the manor. I wandered from place to place, using disguises out of fear that I'd be recognized as myself.

I longed for Draco, to have his arms around me and his lips on my own. I drove myself crazy wondering what was happening with him. I was fairly certain by this time that I was in deed in love with him. I welcomed the relization, drowning in my fondness for him. It drove me to the brink of sanity and I tore through trees, streets, houses, whatever was in my path was left behind me in ruins. I never even noticed the damages until after it was over. It was as if all my sorrow and rage were too much and I simply blacked out during these rampages. I never stuck around long after, not wishing to know if there were bodies in the rubble. With the amount of damage there was, there was no room for survivors. I was channeling my bitterness into these bouts of destruction.

Another two months slid by with only myself for company. I woke one early one morning and went on another rampage, this time a smoking pile of a barn was left in my wake. I fled, determined to make my way back to the manor and find out once and for all if Draco was alive and well.

I turned on my heel, picturing the vast expanse of the ballroom, or torture room, as it had become in my time there. It was completely empty, a rare sight even though it was so early in the morning. I stole my way through the room, quietly as I could. I climbed the steps, creaking slightly under my weight. Thankfully, no one heard. I weaved my way through the halls until I stood outside his door.

My heart felt ready to burst, I turned the knob and stepped into the semi darkness. I could just make out his form on the bed, laying on his side with his arm out over where I usually lay. I crawled up beside him, slinking my fingers through his. His eyes shot open and he trained his wand on me. Where he'd had it hidden I didn't know. He swung his legs over me, pinning my arms down with his knees.

"Draco," I breathed. I was more shocked than anything.

"Libby?" He asked, recognition dawning on his face. "Libby!"

He lowered his wand and moved to kiss me. Stopping short he backed up, the steely look in his eyes returning and wand raising again. I didn't understand and was sure it showed in my face.

"Tell me something only Libby would know," He demanded.

"We've never... You know" I stated shyly. We were both over the legal wizarding age of 17, but I couldn't even bring myself to say the word sex. It was common knowledge that everyone thought we'd already consummated our relationship.

He lowered his wand and brought his lips to mine. I felt safe, safer than I had in all the months away from him. My heart went out to him, and I could feel his love for me radiating clear through our clothing. I felt him relax to the point that I felt a firmness between his legs. Going crazy inside myself, I pulled him closer and his erection hit me between my thighs. We moaned in unison and I felt him lie on his back, pulling me on top of him in one swift motion.

Our clothing flew across the room until we were just down to our underwear. I was fairly certain that I looked and smelled a fright and told him, to which he assured me I was the same Libby he'd fallen in love with over the past year. It felt as if I truly was melting into him. I shivered everywhere he touched and welcomed his hands as they slid underneath my bra.

Things got heated, as heated as they'd ever been between us. Draco's hands snaked around my back where he unclasped my bra. The sound of that clip had an effect on both of us and we were tossed back into reality rather than continuing to sink into our fantasy. I slid down beside him, the ecstacy of how close we'd come was already wearing off. We lay their catching our breath.

"Who else knows you're here?" He asked me.

"No one, the manor was deserted when I arrived." He was shocked to hear this and told me that it must mean something big was about to happen.

Draco stood to get dressed and I made my way to the shower. It had been weeks since I'd had hot water hit my body. I usually just washed of in a stream or lake after stealing clean clothes from a muggle store. After dressing in some of my old clothes that remained, he sat me on the bed.

"Stay here and relax. Promise me you wont leave this room." I promised as I saw the urgency in his eyes.

He kissed me deeply. A knock sounded on the door, sharp and brief. We both jumped. Draco gave me one last peck on the cheek as he strode across the room and down the hallway. I waved my wand, clicking the lock into place and settled down on the bed. I was so grateful that he was alright. I hoped I could convince him to run away with me. I'd been thinking of it for a few months, before I'd fled with Luna.

I fell asleep for a few hours, awakening at the sound of the door banging open. I bolted upright and saw two people enter Draco's room.

"Hello dear," Bellatrix said. "I knew I smelled a traitor. You're just in time for the show."

She pulled me roughly down the hall, stopping at the top of the stairs and making me go first. I lost my footing on the third step down and felt myself falling. I landed at the bottom. Before I could right my footing, I was picked up by the hair I'd spent so much time combing knots out of. I stood stuck between Lucius and Bellatrix. The ballroom was full again, but the Dark Lord was nowhere to be seen. I saw Draco and his mother on the other side of the room, talking to a burly, dark haired wizard and a petite, redheaded witch. On a closer examination, I noticed they weren't talking, but chanting. Draco's hands were joined with the redheads by a string of twine. I tried to scream but no sound came from my lips, a spell of silence had been cast upon me.

The chanting stopped and I heard the redhead repeat something to the wizard. Narcissa nodded to Draco and he struggled with himself, then repeated the words as Bellatrix crossed the room towards him. I didn't want to admit what I'd just witnessed, but my heart ached knowing it was a wizarding wedding ceremony. I was completely immobilized, forced to watch. The twine disappeared into thin air and I heard Lucius speak beside me.

"You'll make me proud yet, my son," He strode forward and I was forced to follow as he still had ahold of my hair. "Now, on to another matter. It would seem that the manor suffered a break in this morning. Someone who was foolish enough to steal into your room. Tell me, son, do you know anything of this?"

Draco stayed silent. Tell him, I wanted to scream. Tell him what you told me! Still he said nothing, but instead looked his mother for help.

"You know what to do," Lucius said and tossed me forward. The spell wore off and I acted quickly.

"Sectumsempra!" I screamed at as many people as I could, hitting Lucius, Bellatrix and the redheaded witch. 

"Libby, stop!" I heard Draco call to me. 

I was weak, an angry, love struck idiot. Did he know this was to happen? As my name left his lips I raised my wand, pointing it straight to face him. He dropped his wand, hands held in surrender as he stammered to string two words together. 

"Disgrace!" Bellatrix screamed, mopping up the blood from the cuts my curse had placed on her body. "You're unworthy of the Malfoy name, boy!"

The redhead witch, also recovering from her injuries, stepped up beside Draco. The look on her face was smug as she glanced at Draco before cocking her head at me. She laughed, realizing the meaning behind our reactions. From the corner of my eye, I saw her wand slice through the air. A stream of silver light hit me in the face and everything went black.

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