Chapter 5 - Year Six

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I woke one morning, about a month into the term and everything seemed normal. I threw my robes on over a Weird Sisters t-shirt and jeans, grabbed my bag and made my way to the common room. Neither Dean nor Ginny were there like they usually were in the mornings. I was a late sleeper and Ginny sometimes had to come wake me herself. I made myself to the Great Hall alone, sitting beside Seamus and Hermione. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and began eating. It wasn't long before Ron joined us and I saw Lavender bound into the room behind him. 

"Weird Sisters?" She sneered at my choice of clothing. "Well I suppose it's better than your muggle bands..." She knocked over my pumpkin juice before going to sit with her friends Padma and Parvati.

"I don't understand how she can be so rude to her own flesh and blood." Hermione grumbled as Seamus helped me mop up the mess my sister left. 

"I don't care anyways.... Anyone seen Ginny this morning?" I changed the subject.

"Gin and I haven't talked in a few days," Seamus said into his doughnut, eyes downcast.

We sat in silence until Hermione mumbled something beside me.

"What was that?" Ron asked her.

"I, erm. Well... I sort of saw Ginny headed for the boys dormitories. I assumed she went to wake Seamus but... Well, clearly you're already here..."

I tossed my spoon into my oatmeal, my appetite suddenly gone. What few bites I'd already eaten were now stuck in my throat.. If Ginny and Seamus weren't speaking, that must mean that they weren't dating any longer. Which meant that there was only one other reason for her to set foot in the boys dorm. I stood and began to rush out of the Great Hall.

"Liberty, are you okay? Where are you going?" I heard Seamus yell behind me. He hadn't put two and two together yet.

He and Ron's chairs scrapped across the floor as they stood to follow me. I turned on my heel and went through the doors to the entrance hall. I didn't have to go any further than that. Ginny and Dean were making their way down the stairs, hand in hand with each other. I stopped so suddenly that Ron and Seamus both knocked into me. Luckily, they both took hold of my arms, pulling me back before I could fall face first on the floor. Ginny looked up and let go of Dean's hand so quickly it seemed as if he was hot lava. I glared daggers into her and she shifted uncomfortably, her red hair hiding her equally red face from view.

I said nothing as they walked towards us. I'm not sure if they were just going to ignore the three of us or not but I didn't give them that chance. As Ginny moved to pass me on my left, I grabbed hold of her arm and made her face me. She avoided looking into my eyes. Hermione had come to see the commotion and I heard her whispering to Ron.

"Let go, that hurts!" She shouted and shoved me away from her. I stumbled back a few feet as Ron and Seamus scattered away.

After blinking a few times, white hot fury took hold of me and I saw myself rush forward to push her right back. My hands on her shoulders, her hands doing the same to me, we struggled for a bit. Ginny grabbed my long brunette hair and pulled, making my neck twist painfully. I balled my hands into fists and just started hitting wherever I could reach. Ginny let go soon after and at the same time, I felt a pair of cold hands gripping my shoulders from behind. And as soon as it had come, the anger disappeared, leaving me confused as to what had just happened. 

"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded from the top of the stairway.

Hagrid had hold of Ginny with just two fingers on her one shoulder, whereas Snape was using both of his hands to hold me. A crowd had gathered around us, a majority of the school come to see what the commotion was about. I saw Malfoy and his goons across the room, Pansy Parkinson's head thrown back in audible laughter. She could do with a good smack like Ginny. I'd be more than happy to give it to her.

"Miss Brown! Care to explain yourself?" McGonagall had reached the semi-circle the four of us had made.

"No professor," I said, shrugging my shoulders to get Snape's hands off. 

"Poppycock. Everything is most certainly not alright if professors Hagrid and Snape are holding the two of you apart! Now, what is going on?"

"Lucy attacked me professor!" Ginny burst out before I could even piece together what happened to explain.

I felt my body tense up and Snape grab hold of my arm before I could resume hitting Ginny in her face. I saw Seamus, Ron and Dean in the corner of my eye, all gaping at me. I was always quiet, but no one thought I'd ever be violent. Even I didn't understand why violence had taken a sudden root in me like that. Never before had I felt a shred of anger, just silently accepting things.

"This behavior is unacceptalbe. 50 points from Gryffindor, each." McGonagall said and spun on her heal to face Pansy. "And I will take 50 from Slytherin as well if Miss Parkinson doesn't shut her trap at once!"

I smirked as her laughter immediately died off and Malfoy frowned. Snape cleared his throat behind me.

"I think perhaps a detention is in order, for the one who started this. Professor?" Snape said. McGonagall nodded her head in silent agreement. "The dungeons today after dinner then, Miss Brown." He smirked and let go of my arm.

Hagrid left go of Ginny and she walked into the great hall, closely followed by Ron. I could hear them bickering. The crowd dispersed and I was left with Dean and Seamus. I couldn't even look at Dean. I didn't care for him that way but didn't understand why I'd acted so brashly or violently. My heart dropped as I realized I'd just lost my best friend. Harry, Dean, Seamus, Ron, Hermione and even Neville only talked to me because I was friendly with Ginny. I would be shunned, for lack of better term.

Dean called my name as I sped away from the Great Hall but I ignored him, walking away at a faster pace. Taking the stairs two at a time, I bounded towards Gryffindor tower when I heard someone else yelling my name. Since I knew Dean wasn't a female, and the voice didn't sound like Ginny or Hermione's, I turned around.

"Poor little Liberty," The voice taunted as I turned to face her fat, pug like face. "You're left all alone now. It seems as if no one wants anything to do with you. Can't say I blame them."

Standing about halfway down the corridor from me was Pansy Parkinson. What she wanted I didn't know, but I wasn't going to let her get away with taunting me the way that she was.

"What's this Parkinson?" I retaliated, thinking of only one thing to get her agitated. "Malfoy let loose the leash he's got on you, has he?"

"Shut up Brown," She said. I swear I could see her head steaming with anger, as was I. I was completely fed up with her, with her housemates, everyone and everything. The white hot anger was returning.

"I have to say I'm not surprised," I took relish in how red her face was getting. "He had to have been getting tired of you. Running around after him like a puppy dog, trying to snog him in the middle of classes. I know I'd get tired of it."

"I don't care what he thinks of my actions. I love him. But Draco has more important things to preoccupy himself with right now. Things you could only wish to partake in. Things you and your silly little mind can never comprehend."

"Enlighten me." I took a step in Pansy's direction.

"Brown, I'm warning you!" She whipped out her wand and took about a dozen tiny but quick steps in my direction. I pulled out mine and before she could think of a spell to cast, I had her off her feat and sliding across the floor on her bum. She stood and gave me a look that almost said she was scared. I changed my stance, expecting to duel with her but she shocked me by turning and running the opposite way.

How odd that she would show fear to a Gryffindor. Usually any Slytherin would fight back, not run away scared. I didn't waste much time thinking of it and quickly forgot our confrontation. I was more worried about why I'd had two angry mood flashes in a 10 minute span.

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