Chapter 18 - We've got Time

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I was surprised to be alive when I came to some time later. I was lying on the floor with Draco holding me in a grip so tight I couldn't wriggle loose. He finally left go a bit as he felt me stirring. I looked around to see his parents and aunt in the room. I struggled to sit up and looked at the older trio. Bellatrix was looking at the floor, like a child who'd been reprimanded by a parent.

"You've really gone and done it now!" She moped as she saw me awake. "I don't know why he insists on sparing your filthy little lives! You damned blood traitor!"

The sound of a slap resounded through the room. Although I knew it was me she'd hit, I felt no pain. Draco's grip on me tightened again and I slipped back into unconsciousness.

The next time I awoke, all my senses came back with me. The same people were in the room, as if they'd never left. I was now lying in a cot and Draco was sitting in a chair beside, holding my hand. I was determined not to subcome to the darkness again. I looked around, hatred in my eyes, even to Draco. I fought to control myself and not rip my hand from his.

"Who was she?" I snarled, looking at Bellatrix. I knew she'd be the one to answer.

"The one you killed?" I gave her a short, quick nod and her smile returned. "Why, my dear! You murdered Draco's wife! They made an unbreakable vow together! A vow to follow the Dark Lord their deaths! To spend their lives together in worship of our loved and feared master!"

"Who is she?" I pursued, for she hadn't answered my question yet.

"Astoria Greengrass is from one of the oldest, purest of blood families in all the world! She was just what we needed for redemption, to be forgiven by the Dark Lord! Her family has served under the darkest of lords since the beginning of time! They've been rewarded handsomely!" Bellatrix said with passion. "And to think that someone as insignificant as a blood traitor ruined the union that was to be!"

I wanted to curse her so badly my hand twitched, aching for my wand. I looked towards Draco's parents, who still hadn't said anything. They both sat with their hands clasped in their laps and their heads bowed to the ground. It was almost as if they were afraid to speak in their own home.

"And what did Draco's parents think of it?" I asked. "Did they consent?"   

"The decision wasn't theirs to make!" Bellatrix cackled loudly. "They are at the bottom of the heap after Draco's reluctance to expose Potter! The Dark Lord has spared us all for one sin or another."

"And why would he do so?" I questioned. This enraged her and she surged forward until her face was inches from my own.

"What concern is it of yours, you blood traitor? Just thank your stars that you're still here and breathing! I have half a mind to kill you myself and be done with it!"

"You shall be wishing for something so simple as death should you defy my wishes!" It was the voice of the Dark Lord. His voice was so loud, booming as if he were in the room.

Draco's parents and aunt fled while I whipped my head looking around for the body that which the voice belonged. Draco grasped my hand and tried pulling me off the bed, asking if I could walk. I was moving somewhat sluggishly but he helped me along. We wove through the hallways on up to his room. I was still confused with what was going on and what had happened. I asked him as soon as he'd locked the door behind us.

"It seems he knows what Potter's up to. He tore in yesterday, howling like he'd gone mad. Well, madder. It was right after they'd escaped, with your help might I add. Why did you help them? I had to lie and make him believe you're still on our side. Are you? Occlumency is the only thing still keeping us alive."

"No, I'm not with him!" I hissed. "I'm not sure I ever was. And you're not with him either! We're better than that." He tried to shush me, looking at the closed door. I conjured a suitcase and took a deep breath. "Let's go. Run away with me."

I didn't wait for an answer, because it wasn't a question. I'd go alone if I really had to but I wanted more than anything for him to go with me. Draco stood in the middle of the room as I flitted about, packing our clothes. I felt his hands on my back but brushed him off. As I was throwing handfuls of underwear and socks into the suitcase, he forced me to turn to him. I took his kiss to mean yes. I tried to break away and continue packing but he forced me to his body with a hunger I'd never witnessed before.

He backed us up until I felt myself fall back onto his bed, pulling him along. Every kiss made me feel as if I was on fire, yet left my skin ice cold. It wasn't long before I felt his firmness against me. I knew I was ready this time and sensed he was as well. Clothing fell around us, slowly and gently, neither of us caring.

"I love you," I whispered to him. He paused, smiling against my lips.

"I love you," He told me.

Our hands caressed, lips touched, explored new places. Completely naked, we drank in each other in our most vulnerable states, stealing glances and touching new places. I'd never thought I'd be this intimate with Draco Malfoy, never thought I'd be this comfortable with him around me at all.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I wanted to have children with him and live in a nice house in a muggle neighborhood and live a relatively normal life. But I wasn't sure if I could ever have that. We'd either end up killed by the Dark Lord, or sentenced to a life in Azkaban or serving under him. I'd never be able to live with myself if I brought a child into the chaos and fear that now surrounded the Wizarding world.

With all that being known, I still couldn't help myself from getting wrapped up in the passion we shared. Because tonight, we had plenty of time. 

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