Chapter 11 - The Night of Truth

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As I was laying in my bed one lazy afternoon off from classes. I was reading a muggle book and eating a bag of crisps when my door breezed open and shut before I could even see Malfoy enter. The crisps fell to the floor and my mouth gaped open. He looked down on me and I recalled the fact that I was laying in just a pair of shorts and a tank top with a built in bra. I glared and quickly sauntered over to grab my robe. Pulling it shut, I turned to ask what he wanted. But my breath caught in my throat as I took in his appearance.

His eyes were sunken and now looked a simple dull grey. You'd never be able to guess that there were normally blue flecks that danced around with mischief. His hair was down past his ears and seemed to be a pure white, rather than it's prior pale blonde. His clothes hung off him in a way that seemed to be very dangerous. However skinny he seemed, I knew he was a tad muscular as he reached up to run his hands through his hair, something I'd begun to recognize as a signature move of his.

"What is it Malfoy?" I asked, fidgeting with a loose string on my robe.

"You should get dressed. It's happening tonight." He said in a hollow voice. I nodded. "Aunt Trix said to pack a trunk. She'll see that it gets to the manor. I'll be back."

He stepped outside and I changed as quickly as I could, into a purple v-necked sweater and dark jeans, with my traveling cloak over top. Tossing things into my trunk at random, I heard Malfoy knock on the door. I finished packing and crossed to the door. It swung opened and our eyes found each other's.

"I don't want to do this anymore, Brown," He whispered to me.

I didn't know what to do. Should I hug him and tell him it'll all turn out okay? We had no way of knowing for sure. What. Do. I. Do?

In the end, I gave him a pat on the shoulder and simply smiled. It seemed to do the trick because he snapped out of it and took me by the arm, slightly pulling me behind him. I forced him to let go and we ran the whole way to the seventh floor corridor. Malfoy paced the floor three times and I saw a door appear out of nowhere. He beckoned for me to follow and once inside I saw the biggest, most cluttered room ever. I knew from taking part in the DA last year that this was the Room of Requirement. I mentally smacked myself for not realizing this was where Malfoy kept disappearing to all year. The task that I was supposed to be helping with.

I followed him in between stacks of things and quickly lost him. I shouted his name but he didn't reappear. Weaving my way around, I eventually found him in front of a big black cabinet, the one he'd told me about. I saw that his entire body was shaking and heard his sobs from ten feet away.

The female in me wanted to kiss his tears away while the death eater and that white hot flash of anger I'd been experiencing so much, wanted to hex him for being so weak. I took a step towards him, then another and another, until I was standing right next to him. His body tensed and then he suddenly threw himself at me. We hugged, both of us hungering for human contact and someone who both cared and understood. I had suppressed my feelings since Ginny and I had our fallout. Who knew when Malfoy had last felt any affection? I knew for a fact that he didn't get any from his father or aunt. And his mother simply struck me as a weak woman.

I didn't wait for him to move away from me, I didn't really want him to. I kissed him and we shifted a bit closer to each other. He tasted to sweet, his lips felt so soft and rough at the same time. It felt as if he was pouring all of his emotions into that kiss and I tried my hardest to reciprocate and give him courage for what was to be done. Before I could process whether or not I liked him or just the kiss, he had pulled away from me. My breath had gotten a little heavy and I fought to calm down.           

"What was that for, Brown?" He asked and I knew he was trying to mask his voice. He didn't want me to know he'd enjoyed it.

I didn't say anything. It felt as if I couldn't. It was taking everything I had not to grab him by his disgusting Slytherin tie and pull him to me. I was glad to see that he seemed to be having the same issue. I smiled and he grabbed the front of my cloak at the same time I moved back towards him. His arms crossed my waist, gripping me tight as a vise. I didn't mind one bit as long as I got to kiss him again.

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