Chapter 21 - Bellatrix's Demise

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Ginny and I broke apart, both crying and smiling like idiots. However, our happy reunion was cut short as screams could be heard from the castle grounds.



Ginny and I took off running and burst through a crowd of people, moving to the front of it. Ron and Hermione stood next to us. I'd never heard a scream as loud or painful as Ginny's. It was if her heart was being ripped out through her mouth. Her knees gave out and Hermione and I held her so she didn't fall. People all around us were screaming at the advancing death eaters and Dark Lord.

"SILENCE!" He screamed over everyone's cries. Beside me, Ginny had resorted to whimpering, but it was so quiet only Hermione, Ron and I could hear. "It is over! Set him at my feet where he belongs!"

Hagrid lowered Harry before the Dark Lord who laughed with glee.

"Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"

I scanned the death eaters for Draco. Panic rose in my throat as I couldn't see him within their ranks. Craning my neck, I looked in the crowd behind me, still not seeing him. I heard Ron shout to the Dark Lord and he voiced a reply. I heard nothing while I looked for Draco. I finally snapped back to reality as I heard Bellatrix's familiar cackling laugh.

I looked ahead and saw Neville Longbottom facing the Dark Lord.

"So what if I am?" I heard him say, standing his ground.

"You show spirit and bravery, you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable death eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom!"

"When hell freezes over!" He said. "Dumbledore's Army!"

Cheers were heard from the crowd. I resumed looking for Draco. I didn't wish to see Neville die before my eyes.

"There will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts School," His voice invaded my mind. "There will be no more houses. The emblem, shield and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice for everyone! Won't they Neville Longbottom?"     

I'd finally located Draco and his words were drowned out once again. He was way behind me, lost in the throngs of Hogwarts students, teachers and members of the Order. He found me at the same moment I found him and our eyes locked together. Relief washed over me as I noticed he looked unharmed. He began weaving in and out of peoplle, making his way to me. 

My head whipped back around as the sound of a blade crashing down flew through the air. The Dark Lord's voice rose in a furious scream and his mouth was left open in shock long afterwards. The fight resumed, death eaters closing in upon Hogwarts ranks and everyone spread out to duel.

Ginny ripped through my grasp and she, Hermione and Luna ganged up on Bellatrix. I turned every which way, looking for Draco. He had disappeared again. But one face that always seemed to be around popped into my line of vision, looming closer and closer. 

"Hello little Libby," Greyback grinned at me, blood caked on his mouth and beard. "You, know, Gryffindor's taste so good. Much better than any other house. I suppose it's because they're full of blood traitors and they're the worst. That Lavender girl was by far the best I've ever tasted."

My heart sunk in my chest.

"Where is she?" I begged, weakening before him. 

He licked his lips and his fingers clean of what I guessed to be my sister's blood. He taunted me, refusing to answer. I glared at him and raised my wand high. We moved at the same time, him lunging for me and I just screamed at the top of my lungs. I hated him. He disgusted me more than any of the other death eaters and I wouldn't be satisfied unless I was the one to do so.

"Avada Kedavra, you bastard!" I yelled.

My spell hit him in between the eyes and I turned before he even hit the ground. I weaved in and out of everyone else, making my way to where the trio of girls was fighting Bellatrix. She glanced my way and smiled with a small bark of laughter. Both Hermione and Luna were knocked to the ground and I stepped in, shooting a curse at the dark witch.

"Little Libby is switching sides? A little late in the game, isn't it?" She screamed. A small crowd had gathered. Ginny was pulled back by her mother, leaving me one on one with Bellatrix. "You're kidding!"

We dueled. For every curse she sent my way, I sent one straight back. She taunted me as we fought, mirroring each other to a perfect T. She had taught me well and I was using her own tricks against her. She threw every insult she could think of at me, none of which worked. 

"Darling Draco won't be with you long, you know! You're a blood traitor! You're both dead! You don't know what true love means! You're pathetic! You're a disgrace to the death eaters!"

On and on her insults came, with a killing curse joining it each time. I deflected them all. If she noticed how powerful I was, she said nothing. Most witches and wizards found it extremely difficult to keep up with her. I finally succeeded in blasting her wand to the ground out of her reach. Time seemed to move slower.

"I tutored you!" She shrieked so loudly that silence ensued. "I showed you the way! You can't kill me!"

I had my wand pointed straight at her chest and for the first time since that day she'd forced me to the manor, she looked afraid. I guess you could call it a moment of weakness but I felt my wand lower to the ground and I took a step back. That was all it took for her to lunge for her wand and send the killing curse my way. I saw the jet of green light heading my way and froze. 

As suddenly as it headed toward me, it turned and ricochet back towards her, hitting her square in the chest before she could react. 

"That's for attacking my daughter, you bitch!" Molly Weasley said behind me. 

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