Chapter 15 - Luna

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AN: Trigger Warning - Torture

One morning, after waking in Draco's empty room, I heard screams from the ballroom downstairs. It was Christmas break and I was fearful every day to see what students they'd kidnapped to bring here to try and get information about Harry Potter from.

No sooner had I dressed, than Draco barged in, grabbing me by the arm and trailing me along behind him. He stopped short at the top of the steps and pushed me to the wall. Leaning his lips down to my ear he said only one word, a surname;


And continued to pull me behind him. I wracked my brain for anyone I knew that was called Lovegood. I was drawing a blank. However, when Draco and I stopped in front of a tall girl with long hair even whiter than his, I realized who he was referring to.

"Libby, I believe you and Draco are familiar with this Hogwarts student?" Draco nodded but I couldn't move. Luna had been Ginny's friend. "Liberty!" The Dark Lord roared at me as I remained silent. I said a quiet yes and he proceeded on.

"Luna has decided to visit us, straight from her father's home. Xenophilius and I have some unfinished business with each other and Luna will be staying at the manor until her father gives me what I want. I also have a few questions for our guest."

With this the Dark Lord motioned for me to cross the room to him. Luna watched me, her eyes wide. We'd always been quite friendly and I suppose it was myself wallowing in self pity that ended our friendship after my fight with Ginny. Luna wasn't the type of person to just not talk to someone. It was more so that others avoided speaking with her.

I didn't move quickly enough and Bellatrix took it upon herself to wave her wand so that I was pulled by an invisible force toward the Dark Lord. I knew what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to be the one to torture Luna when she couldn't answer his questions, and he knew she couldn't.

"Luna, do you know the whereabouts of Harry Potter?" He asked, throwing everyone off with how politely he'd asked.

"No," Luna said. "No one's heard from Harry all year. I'd imagine he's off hunting gnargles somewhere."

"What foolishness is this!" The Dark Lord roared. "I shall ask again before I throw you to the mercy of your own friend! Where. Is. Harry. Potter?"

"I don't know," I was amazed at how calm Luna remained.

The Dark Lord nodded his head at me but I couldn't get my body to cooperate with my mind. I heard Draco yell out in pain and whipped my head around to see Bellatrix pointing her wand at him, her own nephew. She'd issued the Cruciatus curse. Fury tore through my body and I raised my wand, but pointed it towards the witch herself rather than at Luna. Her screams filled the ballroom while Draco's ceased. I stepped towards her, debating on killing her when I felt the skin on my right forearm slit open and felt the warmth of my blood seeping through my sleeve, issued by the very spell I'd been assaulted with on my first night at the Manor.

"Enough! Do as you're told or I will kill the two of you right here and now!" The Dark Lord yelled so loudly that the window panes rattled.

Gritting my teeth and hissing with the pain, I reluctantly turned back towards Luna. I apologized with my eyes before raising my wand to her. She nodded her head slightly, which I knew meant that she understood. She readied herself for my curse, the room was silent in anticipation. Luna refused to scream. I broke off the spell after a few minutes and turned to my master. I hoped he wouldn't have me try to kill her next. I'd take my own death over the murder of Luna. She was an irreplaceable and remarkable witch while there were dozens of witches stupid enough to gat caught and coerced to take the dark mark.

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