Chapter 22 - The Silence of Death

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The event of Bellatrix's death seemed to have unhinged the Dark Lord. All action ceased as he and Harry Potter spoke. I learned things about the Dark Lord I'd never heard of before. Ancient dark magic that was thought to have been extinct. He truly was the most ruthless wizard there'd ever been. Towards the end of his "confessions", I heard him laugh. Rope snaked their way from the end of his wand, coming fast at me. Before I could defend myself, I was bound in place beside the Dark Lord. 

"Before you attempt to duel me, Harry Potter, I do have a question to ask you. How far are you willing to go to save your precious?" I wondered what this had to do with me. "I have before you, Harry Potter, a death eater. She was brought to me, looking into the face of death. So much potential was there... She took my mark willingly and killed for me. As you heard Bellatrix, she trained under her. But, like many, she is flawed. She is of no use to me any longer, and hasn't been for some time. I've told you before that we are much alike. So she is a, test if you will, your test Harry Potter. Will you spare her life, or allow me to shed her blood traitorous blood?"

Harry looked at me, contemplating. I willed him to kill me. The dark lord was right. I had killed for him, had learned from the best. And in the beginning, I loved the sense of power and had felt no remorse. I was no better than Bellatrix or Greyback and deserved the same treatment. My rages, my rampages through the woods months ago, all of it branded me just as bad as the rest of them. But, Harry did nothing.

"Allow me to elaborate further," the Dark Lord continued. "Little Libby discovered Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy sometime last school year. It was immediately clear as to what she'd seen. Over that Christmas break, Bellatrix brought her to me from the Hogwarts Express. Liberty thought she was to die, but I saw her potential. I offered her my mark. She killed for me. She returned to Hogwarts and alongside young Draco she assisted in letting my death eaters into the school at the end of last year.

"The pair of them returned to Malfoy Manor and everything seemed well. But there was a change in little Libby. She'd begun to have second thoughts about taking my mark. She even ran away with one of my captives, only to return to the arms of Draco Malfoy, fearing that I'd killed him. 

"I must admit that I was quite mistaken when I forced the two of them together. I was given false information that led to their companionship. Information that I could have proven false had they not both succeeded in baring their minds from me. But, also information that led to their future paths entwining, something that I could spin to my favor. In the past few weeks, they've become even closer. 

"This foolish love Dumbledore was so fond of, I've seen it's existence first hand, and what can happen when it is nurtured. For my dear, dear little Libby is with child. The child of Draco Malfoy."

It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. The death eaters around me laughed for some sick reason. I felt hundreds of eyes on me but was too ashamed to meet any of them.

How had he known? I hadn't even let myself wonder about pregnancy, just assuming that I was late in my monthly routine. It wasn't uncommon, with all the stress I'd been irregular for over a year. 

"So Harry Potter, what will you do with the biggest blood traitor of all?" the Dark Lord asked the Chosen One. "Make. Your. Choice."

The ropes relinquished me. I fell to the ground in front of Harry and I looked up at him. The death eaters jeered behind me, waiting eagerly for my death now that I'd officially been deemed unworthy. I saw hatred mixed with sorrow in Harry's eyes.

"Do it," I told him, not taking my eyes off him.

He raised his wand and pointed it at me. After holding it there for a few seconds, he pivoted sideways and trained it on the Dark Lord.

"Very well Harry Potter," I heard him say.

I felt the green sparks hit me in the back and welcomed the sweet silence I knew death would bring.

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