Chapter 1: The Before

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Jane's POV

She held me by the neck with a gun in her hand. I didn't dare struggle. Agent Meyer stood arcoss from us with a gun pointed at the masked figure. (6 hours before)Flash back: "Agent Meyer, Agent Karter come see me in my office now!"said Kiara."Sir if it's about the late file that's Jane's fault" said Annika.

"There's a traitor in our midst." She hissed quietly.

That shut us up. Annika's eyes widened. My jaw dropped to the floor. There was silence for minutes. Annika who, by the way, cant stand the silent treatment opened her mouth to speak.

"So what?" She asked stupidly.

"I need you to find out who it is" said Kiara. "How do you suppose we do that?" I said."If you can't figure that out why were you hired to be detectives." said Kiara (rolling her eyes). I was about to answer her when Annika punched me in the sides. "I'll find the traitor"said Annika. "You!" I said. "Yes me!" said Annika. "GIRLS!" said Kiara sternly. "I will not have detectives who fight over the littlest things, start working together or your both fired!" said the cheif with a mean and disappointed face as she left the room to short out the late file. Annika and I looked around the corner to make sure the chief was out of sight, then we started to make a bet of who would find the traitor first when Agent Bach and the chief walked in and Agent Bach said" Jane I need your help with the files."

I nodded, "Give me a minute."

She nodded and walked out. I turned back to the cheif, "Shouldnt Agent Carter take this task."

Kiraia shook her head, "Agent Carter has brains. She is capable of doing this you. . . not so much."

"Well thank you sir." I turned on my heel then realizing what she said I turned back, "Are you calling me stupid?"

She thought about it, "Yes I believe I am."

"Wait why would you put Annika and I on this case if you're saying that Agent Carter could handle it and we couldn't?" trying to change the subject. "Because I want to see if you can work with anyone of my chooseing to accomplish a harder task than usual." said Kiara. I left the chief's office to help sort out the files. Then I got a call from Agent Carter. She said,"we found a dead body in the red river." I said,"I'll be there as soon as I can." I told Annika that Agent Carter found a dead body in the river. Annnika and I went to were the dead body was found, Annika came along because we had to be partners from here on out, we went to see Agent Carter. She told us everything that she had found out. She told us that she spoke to a family near by who saw the body and called the station. We went over to talk to them when we started hearing gun fire. Everyone started running frantically we stood our ground and grabed our guns we looked everywhere but saw no sign of where the gun is being fired. I coudn't see anything with all the gun smoke. Finally I didn't hear any gunshots anymore but I kept the gun pointed up just to make sure that if he or she started shooting again I was ready. When smoke cleared away I made sure everyone was ok then I heared a moaning sound I asked Annika if that was her she said "no." When we tured around Agent Carter was lying on the ground moaning and the body was gone. I told Annika to check on Agent Carter. I went to look for clues of who or what took the body.

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