Chapter 8: Save Me

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Kiara's POV
I sighed Howard probably got drunk after he found out about Peggy's death. She was a good agent. We were holding a funeral in 2 days time. It's sad, she was a good agent. I shook the thoughts from my mind it was time to address the other agents about her death. This was the worst part of being a chief. I stood and walked to the door.

"Attention agents." I said as I pushed it open.

They all quit their work for a brief moment to look at me.

"You all heard about the tragic death of Agent Carter." I paused, some agents bowed there heads repectfully others choked back tears, "To inform you Agent Carter was shot yesterday. Her body was never found. We will keep searching till we find it but we will always remember the loving memory of Agent Carter." I went back into my office without another word. Thats when I got a call from Ellie and Jass.

I didn't even have the chance to say hello. They started blowing up my ear, talking a million words a minute. I made out two single words, Hydra and passage.

"Whoa whoa slow down retell that whole thing." I commanded.

Jass took a deep breath and restarted explaining the car chase and finding a secret Hydra passage. Once she was done I hung up the phone and shot out of the police station and into my car. I slammed it into gear and started driving down the road towards the tunnel Jass described.

I got to an intersection. The light turned green. I drove forward. I slammed on the breaks. A blue SUV wasn't stopping for the light. The car behind me rear ended me knocking me forward a couple inches but that was enough for the SUV to slam into my side of the car. A car jolted right and slammed into the building. My head slammed into the window. Suddenly the world started to spin. I shook my head to clear it. I looked out my window.

The lady in the other car got out and walked over to my car. She looked familiar. The door was jolted open and she stepped closer. Now I could make out her features better but they were still a little fuzzy. Suddenly I realized, it was Agent Carter. As I saw her pop the plastic off the needle and I felt a sharp pain in my side she said,"don't worry it will only hurt for a few minutes" and then everything went black.

***Line Break***
Jass's POV
"Come on Ellie. Let's just pry it open or find a key." I complained.

She shook her head, "No the chief isn't here yet. Plus it's against the rules."

I snorted, "Rules are ment to be broken." As I leaned against the wall. I felt like I was falling backwards. Until I felt my head hit the hard cement floor. Ellie lunged forward and helped me up. I rubbed my head.

"I think we just found the key." I said.

"Ya, think?" Ellie snorted.

I gave Ellie an I hate you look. Just then 5 guys came out of the tunnels with guns and rags. A medium skinny blond haired guy came from behind me and grabed my arms and held the rag on my mouth. I struggled to get free but he kept his grip on me as everything started to get blurry. As I saw 3 guys surround Ellie everything went black.

***Line Break***
Ellie POV
As I saw Jass going down 2 guys were surrounding me and I said, "I surrender" putting my arms up. A short blond haired guy came up to me and said, "Who do work for?" "That's classified information." I said. He gave me a mean glare. "Are you sure you don't want to change your answer." he said with a sinister grin and he nodded to who he called Ben. As Ben came over to me with a chair and ropes. I tried to run away but the door was closeing. Ben said" You should've stayed out in the tunnel." "I tried to but Jass went in and I followed her." I said with shaky breathing. "You should've just let her go in and you could've stayed behind and this wouldn't be happening to you right now." Ben said. As I went back and sat on the chair that they put out. Ben then tied me to the chair and I saw a figure in the distance behind the 4 guys she spoke in Russian that I couldn't understand. As Ben held the rag on my mouth I started to feel light headed. I heard the girl speak in Russian again. This time somehow I understood what she said. She said "Bring her to the hypnotists he will help her find her way."

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