Chapter 10: Captive

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Annika's POV
I woke up in a cold dark room laying on the hard cement floor. Then I looked over and saw a steel door with two slides one on the bottom and one on the top. I heard a moan come from the corner of the dark room. I quickly looked in that direction. There was a lump on the floor. I rushed over. Jane was laying on her side eyes barely open.

"Annika?" She asked.

"Yes I'm right here." I said. Then she fell asleep. I tried to wake her up but she's a hard sleeper. As I sat next to her a guys voice came through the top slide in the door.

He said, "It's time to eat." as he slid the food through the bottom slide and with that he shut the slide. Leaving me in the darkness. I found a light switch and flipped it on. It was a very dim light though. I found a bathroom with towels and clothing.

"Well I now know that they don't want to kill us at least not yet.", I muttered to myself. Just then I saw Jane trying to stand I rushed over to her in case she fell.

Jane said to me," Where are we?"

"I don't know.", I said she then went to look around.

Jane's POV
As I looked around I found food laying on the floor I was so hungry. I asked Annika If she wanted any she said no she wasn't a very hungry person when it came to food. I started to eat it because I was so hungry as always. When I finished eatting I went to take a shower because I hadn't taken one in a while. The water was really hot I tried to turn it down but no matter what way you turned the knob it was still hot. I like hot water when I take a shower but not that hot. When I was taking a shower my skin started to sting and burn so I tried to finish quickly as soon as I turned off the water every move I made my body ached from the heat of the water. When I finished I told Annika to be careful of the water. I looked for a matress but I couldn't find one so I had no other choice but to lay on the cement floor but it was cold so it would cool me down from the shower. When Annika came out of the bathroom her skin was red like she was sunburnt but I knew why she was red. I told her I couldn't find any matresses she said "That's fine I want to sleep on a cold floor anyways." I smiled at her she smiled back. We both fell asleep.

When I woke up I saw a very bright light above me and I tried to get up when I noticed that I was tied to a steel table that was bolted to the ground. I saw a door open and someone was pushing what looked like a doctors cart. I couldn't see thier face because she wore a surgical mask. The person then said. "Lets get started." by her voice I knew who it was it was.....Kelly.
Annika's POV
When I woke up their was food right by me so I gussed I should eat. When I finished eating I looked for Jane but I couldn't find her. I tried calling for her but no answer. I also noticed that the lights were off but their was sun light?! I went to look for a window to find out where the light was comeing from but I couldn't find one. Then I saw the top slide on the door was open and I heard people speaking in Russian. I went to the door and looked out to see sunlight shining through the window on the other side of the door.

I just found an escape.

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