Chapter 6: Warnings

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Howards POV
A soft bang filled the air. I came from the door. I really hoped it was Peggy. I've been waiting for her for 10-20 minutes already. I was sitting on the hood of my car. The door opened. Peggy walked out. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness Peggy it's you. I've been waiting forever." When she didn't answer I got worried, "Peggy?"

She walked up to me, "Move." She said.

"What?" I ask still not moving from my spot infront of my car.

She frowned, "I'm sorry Howard." She shoved me to the ground.

I went sprawling out onto the pavement, "Peggy! What's wrong with you."

She only hopped in the car and drove off. I ran after the car yelling her name. I collapsed to my knees. I need Jarvis. I got up and forced my aching legs to go follow the road we came from. I'll have to find a bus. I waited for what felt like an hour when I saw a police car pulling up.

A cop came out and told me to come with him. He said he could take me to an airport to go back to Jarvis.

"How do you know Edwin?" I asked suspciously.

He shrugged, "Long story. Get in or walk."

I slipped into the back seat, "Go."

An hour later the cop pulled up to the hotel's front door. I hopped out of the car and ran up the stairs. Once I reached our door I slid the room key in and slammed open the door.

"Edwin pack your bags we 're leaving!" I called.

Edwin snapped off the TV, "Sir may I ask you where Ms. Carter is?"

"Nope just get to the jet." I replied.

He nodded, "Get in the car then."

Exactly 20 minutes later we pulled up to my jet. Edwin went to the cockpit and I went in the back. I felt the plane lift off. I quickly pulled out my pack of gum and popped a piece in my mouth. I hate when my ears pop.

Edwins voice came over the intercom, "Sir may I ask where we are headed?"

I thought about it. Where would Peggy go? SSR? It was our best shot, "America." I replied.

"Okay sir." He replied over the intercom.

I felt the plane shift left and we were off. To America we go.

**Time Skip**
I burst into the Cheif's office. She stood up eruptly. I held my hand up to stop her from exploding on me.

"Have you seen Peggy?" I asked.

"Howard Peggy's dead. . ." I cut her off.

"She's not dead, have you seen her?" I snapped.

"No. Howard what is going on?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Be careful. If you see her be cautious. Something. . . something bad happened to her."

"Howard yes something bad happened to her she's dead." she replied.

I laughed humorlessly, "Just be aware." I ran out of the room ignoring her calls of asking if I was high.

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