Chapter 9: Taking Revenge

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Jane's POV
As I was sitting at my desk when Kelly came over and asked, " Did you find anything yet?" "No" I said. Just then Sarah came out of the elevator. I asked, " You're back already?" She looked at me funny and went right to her desk. "That was weird." I said. Just then Annika got a phone call she ansered it and her eyes widened and she pointed to Sarah with her head as she hang up. She said, " Go get Sarah and tell her she has to interrogate the family. As I went to get Sarah she got a phone call and hung up quickly as she gathered her things. I told her she has to go interrogate the family and she said," why can't you do it?" I stood in her way so that she couldn't leave. She said,"Move!" in a stern and mean voice. "Turn around!" I said in a stern voice. She tried to run but Annika caught her by surprise and threw her to the ground and put the hand cuffs on her. "Your under arrest for the murder of Peggy Carter" Annika said with tears in her eyes. I grabbed Sarah and brought her to a holding cell. As I locked the door I asked her why she would do this she said nothing and tured away. I made sure the door was locked and left. The other agents were now staring at me. I told them to go back to their work. They did what I asked because the cheif put me in charge when she left. Which made me think of where she was shes been gone for 3 hours already. I told annika to look for where the chief's car was. She went to her computer and started looking on the street video cameras. Just then a tall skinny cop and a fat smelly cop came to me and said,"We just got a video from Hydra. They said they have Jass and Ellie." "Show me" I said as I went over to get Annika to look at it with me. Annika and I watched the video, it was 29 minutes long. When it was over I went to call Ellie, their was no answer. " They didn't say were they are kepping Ellie ?" I asked Annika. "We have to find them." I said. "Go find where the chief is." I told annika she went to look on the street camras. She found her then we went to look at where her car was taken.

Time Skip
"You go left I'll go right."I whispered to Annika she nodded at me and said "Be careful." I gave her a slight nod and she left. I went down the hall to the right. All of a sudden I heard a sound and I looked to my left and there was a door cracked open. I push it slightly open and I saw a guy with white hair faceing someone in a chair. The guy was speaking to him or her in russian. I didn't know what he was saying but then I felt a sharp pinch on my back and I knew no more.

Annika's POV
As I was going down the hallway I saw Ellie with who looked like Kelly. But that couldn't be, she was still at the station right? I ducked behind the wall and listened to there conversation.

"You must be pretty smart to find out where the passage is." The lady who looked like Kelly said. She was defiantly Kelly, "Your the first SSR agent to find it."

"What are you planing to do with me?" asked Ellie.

"It's not what I'm going to do with you it's what the doctor wants." She threatened.

"Is that the dumb stupid doctor or Dr. Ivenchenko?" Ellie asked with a grin. Thats when I saw Kelly slapped Ellie. I heared the loud noise. It sent shivers down my back.

"I'm the one who asks the questions around here." Kelly snapped.

"Okay fine. Shoot." Ellie replied.

Caught by surprise by the answer Kelly stuttered, "W-what?"

"You heard me." She said.

Kelly recovered quickly, "Oh yes. How did you find this place."

"I followed you." Ellie answered simply.

"Don't be smart with me missy. I have ways to make you talk and you won't like them." Kelly hissed, "Oh I almost forgot to tell you the Dr. shall be coming here."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Ellie whimpered sarcastically. I saw something shimmer in the light. It looked like a knife. I came out from behind the wall and pointed iron shooter at Kelly when I heard a gunshot. I felt myself falling forwards and I was starting to get dizzy amd sick. As I saw Kelly put a rag over my mouth and eyes everything went black.

Ellie's POV
As I saw Annika go down I started crying and yelling. Kelly then slaped me on the face and told me to shut up. Then Dr.Ivenchenko came to me and started twisting his ring I found it interesting as I felt myself drift off into a sleeping mode.

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