Chapter 11: Escape

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Jane's POV
She set the cart next to me and went to a dark corner and grabbed what looked like a file off a table. As she came closer to the light I saw it was a file about me. She smiled at me after reading the file.

"All healthy that's a good sign." She said cheerfully.

"That depends on what your going to do to me." I replied evenly.

"That's true." She replied.

"So what are you going to do to me?" I yelled impatiently.

"Whatever the doctor orders." She replied.

"What?" I asked confused.

She smiled, "Right now he orders for you to be examined."

I stared up at the ceiling. The cold table kept me from any comfort, "so why don't we get that done" she said with a smile on her pathetic face. I tried to get up frantically thats when I got a hard slap across my face. She looked at me with a disappointed face and shook her head in disappointment. I saw her take a vile of surrem and put on the top of a needle. I knew what was going to happen. I tried everything to get out of the tight straps but every time I tried I got slapped on my face. She then pushed the needle into my arm very hard she then smiled and said" I guess we'll have to train you and fix your attitude as well." then I felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

Annnika's POV
I was thinking of different ways of how to escape
When someone shut the slide. I just had to figure out a way of how to get the door open. I went and sat on the floor because their is no way I'm takeing a shower I learned my lesson from before. When I sat down I felt like I sat on a handle. I got up and sure enough there was a handle I opened it and all I could see was darkness I didn't know where it lead but I also knew I need to get out of here. So I decided to leave at night even though I didn't know when night was. I did know someone sends food after I get up and before I go to bed. So I think I will try to escape after a guy brings the food. So I thought of a plan.

Jane's POV
I woke up and found myself on a doctors bed being rolled somewhere. A few seconds later we entered a room with a big tunnel thing and a viewing room with 6 guys there watching. She wrote down a few things in my file. She must of seen my arm move because she looked down at me and gave me a smile. She then tied me to the bed and with some help they placed me in the machine. She then stuck another needle in my arm just as hard as before and I drifted off to sleep.

Kelly's POV
After I stuck the neddle in Jane's arm I tured on examing machine and she went in and then I called the docor he came right away. He toke a couple of notes and told me what to do and where to do it. He then slapped me I fell backwards and put my hand to my cheek where he slapped me. He said,"You idot I asked you to give her blood test before the examination." "I'm sorry I forgot." "You forgot!" he yelled. Then his face went to a sinister smile at me. He said "Switch them out but first make sure Jane is weak so that she doesn't escape." I then shut the machine off and toke Jane back to the operating room to get her weak.

Annika's POV
I finally got the hatch open and I found a flashlight in the bathroom I then went down in the tunnel. I traveled for what felt like hours. Until I found a ladder I went up it and found another door I tried to open it but it didn't budge. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and it felt like a girl's hand. I froze.

Sarah's POV
I sat there in the holding cell when a guy came up to me and said your free to go. He was a shorter white guy with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was dreamy in my mind. When I was about to leave he pulled me over and said "Hi my name's Ben we need to go." "Why are you helping me?" I asked. "I was sent by your father to help you." "My family died because of SSR." He said with hatred and tears in his eyes. We then left easily because he was dressed up as a cop. And we got in his 350 black chevy. It was nice then he got out his wallet and asked me what kind of vechile I wanted I said" I want a black Audi R8." he smiled at me and said"Sporty I like it." He then bought the car for me. I was so excited. He told me he had things to take care of so he told me where to go meet him and I got in my new sports car and drove off.

Ben's POV
As I got into my truck I watched the short beauiful Asian walk into her newly bought sport car. Then when she left I made a call to HIM and told HIM that I got her and I would take care of business. He then hung up and I sped off. When I got to her house that HE put her in I saw her just sitting in her chair acting like nothing even happened. When I knoked on her door there was no answer. So I kicked down the door. And I went into the dark house that has white walls and very little furniture. I went to her room and there she was looking at me with her pleading and scared eyes with a gun in her hand. I told her to set the gun down she didn't. Then I went over to her and she froze. That was my chance to take the gun from her. When I did she ran to a corner of her bedroom. I told her I wasn't going to hurt her if she didn't do anything stupid. She just went into the kitchen like I wasn't there. I asked what her name was. She said" Kiara" with a shaky voice. "Kiara do know why i'm here." I asked her she said "yes." I looked at her with a sad face. "Can u tell me why i'm here then." she scowld at me. I put the knife to her throat she said" I'm sorry" with tears in her eyes. I told her she is forgiven and toke the knife away from her throat. She then answered my question. She said"To get revenge and to ask me what we did to your family." "You are very smart" I said with a smile.
Then I told her she should sit down. She did. "You obey orders very well when your life is on the line." I told her. I also told her that we were going to go on a journey to see the doctor again. I first asked why she killed my family and if she was willing to do it again. She looked at me confused. I told her that the doctor will help her. She froze not knowing what to do. I put the gun to her temple and said"If you don't come with me then I can end your life right now." she then said "Fine I'll come with you." before we got into the truck I threw her on the hood of my truck and tied her hands behind her back. She then tried to escape. I hit her very hard on her lower back and she fell to the ground I then threw her into the back seat and straped her in tightly. I call HIM and told HIM I had HIS package and HE said HE would meet me and Sarah. That's when I hung up and left.

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