Chapter 2: Finding The Tratior

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Annika's POV

I ran over to Agent Carter her breathing was very heavy as she was holding the wound on her side, that was made by one of the bullets that was shot, she tried to talk but nothing came out as she toke a deep breath she wrote "find them" in the sand. Then she stopped breathing and was very still.

A figure moved in the corner. I stood up and back away from Agent Carter and pulled up my gun. The figure came out. There was a person with a mask on. I pointed Ironshooter (my gun) at her. She quickly bent down and picked Agent Carter up by the neck. Blood poured out of her wound. I started fireing shots at her head. The masked figure had quick reflexes and moved Agent Carter in front of her. A cloud of smoke surronded us. I started coughing. The smoke finally cleared, the masked figure and Agent Carter were gone.

Its all my fault.

We went back to the station and told the chief. She slapped me on the cheek. I didnt complain even though my instincts told me I should. Agent Carter is most likely dead because of me. The cheifs eyes became suddenly soft. That scared me a bit considering her attitude before. She patted my shoulder.

"Get a search party together. Your in charge."

"Sorry sir but I don't deserve that. I don't accept."

She cheif smiled and shook her head, "I wasn't asking." so, I gathered a search party and went to find out information on the masked figure. I went to where we were shot at. I tried to figure out where he or she shot from. I saw a shimer from the apartments I got a group of people to come with me to where the shimer was and I told a group to stay here and look for evidence. I got in the building and heard footsteps coming towards us. I told the group to have their guns ready. I told them to stand ready to shoot and I turned around and they were gone. I figured they were hideing somewhere. I ducked behind the wall. Then i heard voices.

"Do you think they know?" A familar girls voice said.

"Honey dear, don't worry the SSR aren't even looking for an agent." Another ladys voice.

I saw some of the men straighten, ready to fire. I shook my head calling it off. We need to know more.

"Won't it be suspicious that I'm gone?" The first lady asked.

"Agent don't wor. . . we are being watched." Their footsteps stopped.

My eyes widened. The group looked at me for instructions. I made a curt nod instructing for them to go. We jumped out from behind the corner, me in lead. I held my gun ready. But they were gone. My heart started to race. How could they just vanish? Then I told the group to spilt up and go look for them. I silently walked down the hallway. I heard faint footsteps in the room next to me. The door was wide open. I stepped in. A sharp pain ran up my spine and the world went black.

I woke to the sound of banging. My group was shouting and banging on a door. I rubbed my head. The group turned towards me. I stood up. They all watched carefully, ready to catch me if a fall. "Are you okay?" asked a fat and smelly cop.

I shook my head ingoring the question, "What happened?"

The tall skinny guy in the back answered first, "They knocked you out and fired a shot through the roof. That caught our attention. We all walked in here to check on you and they locked us in." "wait,why would you come in here when you should've went to get them" I said.

"Annika we thought you were dead." The fat guy said.

"If I was dead then why would you even check?" I hissed. "Because I don't want anything to happen to you" he said smiling.

I amost gagged, "Then just send in two other cops!" I threw my arms up, "You know what?!?!? Never mind we need to get out of here."

He looked over at me with a frown. I turned away. Everyone was staring at me. I inspected the shelves looking for something to use. There was paper and fliers. I guessed this was a junk room. At the end of the shelf there was a fire hidrein. I picked it up. I showed the group.

"Seriously you didnt see this?" i asked.

They back away from the door. I scowled and stepped forward. I used my body strength and slammed it against the door knob. It wobbled and fell out. I pushed open the door. I turned back to the group.

"See how easy that was?" They shuffled their feet and hung there heads.

"Annika?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see Jane,"Hi, how did u get out?!?!?!"asked Jane. "I found a fire hydrant and slammed it against the door knob." what have you been doing while we were stuck in that room?" I asked.

Flash back
Agent Jane I think we found something. I came over to Jass( our master of finding out who the victum is with the FFD.) Her name is lily a 21 year old female. "Do we know if she has any family?" I asked. "No, but when Ellie took a look at her she found something unusual." said Jass.

"What do you mean by unusal?" I asked. "How about you call her and find out yourself." Jass said in a stern and mean tone.

"Fine." I said.
End of flashback

"When I called her she yelled something in Russian. I couldn't make out what she said though. So I went to look for you." Jane said. "Jane you came to the wrong person I don't speak Russian." I said. "I know, I came to see if you know anybody who can speak Russian." said Jane. "What! You mean you don't know who can speak Russian." I yelled.

"No? Am I suppose to know who can speak Russian? Jane asked. " yes! Kelly went to Russia for a year and I'm pretty sure she can speak Russian. I said(rolling my eyes and thinking how stupid my partner is.)

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