Chapter 12: Help me!!!

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Ellie's POV
I found myself sitting in a chair with ropes tied around my wrists and the arms of the chair. I saw Dr. Ivenchenko he was twisting his ring and talking to me saying "Focus on your husband Jake." All of a sudden I saw him before the accident. He was hansom in his light blue jeans and his black t-shirt that said NAVY on it. He said we should go out to eat for our anniversy. I then felt myself walking through the door.

Jass's POV
I woke up in a pink colored room. There was a note on my alarm clock that said "There is breakfast on the table and don't EVER go outside." I then got up and found clothes in a nicely colored bathroom. I took a shower then got dressed. I went down the stairs and found 2 eggs with bacon and hashbrowns on a plate. After I finished eating I went to watch TV. I watched Dancing With The Stars and Dance Moms. I then went outside and it looked like my neighborhood. I found a pink sports car in my garage. I didn't know what kind it was but I knew I liked it. I then got in and found the key in the ignition and I started the car. I drove around until I found a Bakery. I went in and got a blueberry muffin. Then someone sat down next to me and said "I told you not to leave the house." he breathed. He then left. When I finished I went out the door and he grabbed me by my arms and I saw 3 guys around me. He put them behind my back it was the same guy in the Bakery. He looked like the same guy that was in the hydra passage. He then told me to get into the truck. I did.

Kiara's POV
I tried to move but I was straped in to tightly. Finally Ben stopped the truck and looked back at me and said "Don't make this any harder than it has to be." He got out of the truck and opened the door of where I was sitting. He unbuckled the seat belts and threw me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatos. I kicked him and threw my arms around and screamed in his ear. We went into the door of a gray and haunting building. He threw me on the floor and I kicked him in place that hurts the most. Just then I saw a short asian looking girl comeing my way. It looked like Agent Bach.

Sarah's POV
I parked the car and went inside to find Ben and Kiara. I looked at her and said "I didn't know you would be here." I then went over to ben who watch hold his lower private. she looked at me with a satisfied face. I could care less. Then I shot her in the leg but somehow I missed. I never missed I thought to myself. That's when Dotty came. She had a gun in her hand. That's when I looked at her and she had an angery grin on her face. I looked for Kiara. I didn't find her.The chief was gone but how. I then got a hard slap to the face by Dotty.

Ben's POV
I got up off the floor and ran to Sabrina. Dotty said "Find her or you will take her place!" Dotty left. We decided to look for her after our lunch date.We then left after deciding to go out for lunch.

Agent Carter's POV
I went into the dark shack in the woods with Steve. I saw a girl comeing my way she was going to kill Steve. I couldn't let that happen. I told Steve to wait here. The girl tried to climb the stairs of the shack to get a better aim on Steve. I put my hand on her shoulder so that she was facing me. When I saw her face I couldn't believe who it was...... It was Annika.

Annika's POV
When I saw Peggy I started crying. I said "Peggy I thought you were dead." What she said next scared me. She said "I'm not dead but if you think you can take Steve away from me then it is you who will be dead." I saw hatred in her eyes. I asked "Why would I kill Steve when hes not here." she looked at me like I was crazy. She then toke out her gun and tried to shoot me. I run up the ladder quickly. When I opened the door above me I slamed the door in her face. She fell backwards and I heard a thud on the floor and she scremed I covered my ears. I then realized I was outside. It was dark I saw the moon and a few stars out. I heard slilence and looked down to see a pool of blood around Peggy. I cried. After I wiped away my tears I stared to run. Even though I had no idea where I was. I ran for what felt like hours until I found a gas sation. I went in to find a phone when I found one I called Kiara no answer. I tried Jane but thats when I realized I left her there with them not knowing if she was even alive. Now I had a choice to make go back and risk my life for my "partner" or leave to find help and maybe come back to late. I knew what I had to do. Otherwise the cheif would kill me. Even though I din't care. I din't even like her. Then I ran back thinking this is stupid risking my life for her. But I was the only way to get money I thought to myself.

Jane's POV
I was layed on the cold steel table again and I was still a little drowsy. So I couldn't move and was tied down. I saw another needle and she stuck it into my arm but there was nothing in it and I saw blood going into the vile. I slightly moved from the pain. She said "Easy it only hurts for a little while." she soothed. After she toke it out she cleaned it and hissed through clenched teeth from the sting. She gave me a cup with water and put 5 pills on the cart next to me. "Take these!" she said kinda strictly. I resisted. She looked at me disappointed. I thought she knew I would resist. Knowing me for 6 years. She said "Ok we can do this two different ways. You take the ALL the pills or I can get the doctor to do something worse to you. You chose or i'll chose for you." I thought about it. I decided not to say anything. She then slamed the door and left.

I tried to untie the ropes, around my arms, with my mouth. It didn't work plus the rope tasted bad. Then I tried to scratch the ropes with my fingernails. The ropes where to dense. These people were smart and knew what they were doing. I saw the needle on the cart. If I could just reach a little to get the needle with my fingers I could cut the rope. I got it. Just as Sarah and the doctor walked in I cut the rope and my wrist a little. They came at me but I cut the other one to. And I grabbed Sarah by her shoulders and threw her to the ground. Then the doctor came at me with a knife in his hand. I moved my leg just enough for him to cut the rope from my leg. I got up and stabbed the neddle in his leg. He fell and yelled and screamed in pain.

Sarah got up and I smashed the tray over her head. She fainted. I tried to unlock the door.

It didn't budge. Then Annika came rushing in. She kept her foot by the door. We ran out and we saw three guys down both of the halls. Annika pulled out her gun and shot them. Then ran past the bodies and saw Ellie. We ran to her and she pulled out 2 guns and shot both of us in the shoulder. I looked over at Annika she fell to the floor the same time I did. I looked at Annika and saw hatred in her eyes. I tried to get up when I saw a blonde haired short guy. I felt a sharp pain in my head and fainted.

Annika's POV
As I was laying on the ground. I saw someone who looked a lot like the cheif. That's when I felt a sharp pain my head. I blurred out for a minute. I finally got my vision back after a few minutes. I saw them put Jane on a hospital bed. They came by me and I was laying on the floor. When I tried to get up I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I was in to much pain to try to get out of there. They helped me up and plopped me into a wheel chair. I then fainted from the pain.

Ben's POV
I went to tell the guys there was a change of plans when I saw Jane and Annika trying to escape. Then I saw Ellie shoot them. I had no other choice but to mess with HIS plan because of the tempted escape. I had to call HIM about the damage controle.

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