~Chapter 10~ Meeting new people or should I say Kings?

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Lucids POV

I was just by the food stand while some people just gave me weird looks. I shrugged it off Until I see 2 kings approaching me. One had light-ish darkish brown hair? With a really cute and innocent Smile. He had a plant like🌱 crown 👑, with this outfit:

 He had a plant like🌱 crown 👑, with this outfit:

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(1st crown)

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(1st crown)

The other guy had raven hair with a mask that was like a bunny, on his left side it revealed his Red ruby eyes. I think I met someone who also had Red crimson eyes...? Hmmm....nah...anyways
He looked stunning to say.

anywaysHe looked stunning to say

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(1st crown but it's more Gray instead of green)

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(1st crown but it's more Gray instead of green)

Still Lucids (Dream) POV

"Greetings to your Majesty, I'm King Sykkuno of the Caithage Dynasty"The Said King Bowed. He had a sweet calming voice and it was cute to be honest I thought to myself.
"Greetings to you Fellow King, I'm Corpse of the Obruwen Empire" I was Shocked with the Deep Voice. He bowed and rose back up. "Greetings to you, King Sykkuno And King/Emperor Corpse" I Said as I bowed. "I'm King Lucid of the Atsuno Kingdom" I Said as I rose up my head.

Corpse POV
We approached The said King, his name is Lucid. He had a Mask that had an XD. Weird... but I shouldn't be talking since I also had a Mask. He had Dirty blonde hair and his outfit fit him well and he kind of had a Feminine Body? I'm not so sure but it looks like it a bit.... ok who am I kidding he has a really feminine looking body but also muscular at the same time. it somehow Matched him well. He's kind of around my height which I'm (6,3) he was like around (6,0)
He kinda seems like a Top but gives off a really Bottom vibe. Ok what the heck was that thought!? A-Anyways he was talking to Sykkuno while I just stood by. I felt left out so I decided to join in on the Conversation.

Lucids POV
"King Lucid" I heard the Deep voiced Raven call my name. "You don't have to call me king every time just call me Lucid, Corpse" I Told him as I turned my attention towards Him along with Sykkuno. He seemed shocked by what I told him. He nodded his head knowing he understood what I meant. "Anyways what do you need?" I asked. "I uhm... I know this may be a personal question but.... a-are you a Top or bottom?" Corpse asked. I was shocked by the question and embarrassed that my cheeks flushed red which I'm glad I have my Mask. Sykkuno also seemed surprised by this question but curious as well. "I-I... uhm... I think I would say I'm a top..." I answered his question. "Oh, really?"he asked. "Yeah, What did you think I was?" I Questioned as I tilted my head. "Not to be rude or anything, but you give off a bottom Aura" he answered with a tint of blush. I was full on blushing like crazy that My vision became Blurry and All I saw was black.

Corpse POV
After I told Lucid my honest opinion he fainted and before he could fall backwards onto the floor Sykkuno Quickly got to him before he fell on the floor. I quickly rushed over to help out and checked his pulse to make sure it wasn't a panic attack or something else. His pulse was stable, he probably knocked out because of embarrassment. I lifted Lucid up and carried him bridal style to a chair to lay him down, Sykkuno followed behind. "Why'd you say that to him Corpse?" My King Friend Asked me. "I was just being honest"I replied back as I sat down beside Lucid who was sleeping peacefully. Sykkuno than sat on the other side of King Lucid. *sigh* came from my friends mouth."I can't be mad at you"Sykkuno told me as he just leaned on the table we were at.

3rd POV
17 minutes passed and the announcer came in and introduced the Host. "Greetings your Majesties, I'm Hbomb the Host of this Event and I'm the king of this castle" the host said as he greeted everyone. Lucid was awake at this time. Everyone in the room bowed to show their respect. "Now let's start the Event, follow me my fellow Kings"Hbomb Said as he walked out the door of the ball room with every king following behind. "Alright line up please" everyone did as they were told. "Ok, please wait until your selected Personal Maid comes over to help you to your rooms, once you are in your room change into the outfit selected for all of you, don't worry after this event you can get your things back" Hbomb told everyone as they nodded their heads. "The first challenge is Rabbits and Foxes, in this event you are either given a Bunny or Fox potion. For the bunny's it is to test your stamina, speed, and IQ. For the foxes you are tested for your skills on catching the the bunny and IQ" Hbomb Finished Explaining. The Maids arrived and went to their selected kings.

Lucids POV
I was taken to my room for the event. They said the event they hosted may last for 2-3 weeks.I changed into a outfit they left for me in my room. The maid than gave me a potion to transform into a bunny or fox. "I hope I'm a fox..."








"EHHHH!!!!!!??????" I exclaimed.

"No, no, no, oh god, dang it why me....."I whined. I'll just go and try to win this.

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