~Chapter 4~

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The Princes of the other Kingdoms left. After that whole day The Queen of Atheosis Divorced with the King and was still able to maintain the Spot as the Queen of the Atheosis Kingdom. The King was Kicked out and forced to go back to his old Kingdom.

On the Day they Divorced

Dreams POV

I woke up in the Middle of the night to grab a Cup of Water, but something else caught my attention. I heard my mother talking to my Father. "Teo, I want a Divorce NOW!!"my mother told My Father. "W-What, Why Silvia!?"My Father Asked. "You know why, You forced MY SON to Wear Dresses at the Age of 8 , You Yelled at him to Find a Prince to Marry And You Even Smacked Him!" My Mother Yelled at Him. "I just wanted the best for him!" My Father answered back. "Just sign the Papers and Leave! I've already Packed your Clothes!" My Mother Told. "I-I..... UGH!! fine!" My Father Yelled as he went and Signed the Paper. He then grabbed his Stuff and left. (He didn't see me Somehow) I've then heard Sobbing. I looked in the Room to see her Sobbing on the Floor. I quickly Ran towards her. "Mother!" I screamed. "S-Son... Hello, Why are you up?" My Mother Said as She tried to change the Topic. "I came for a cup of water but I heard your Conversation with Dad" I told her. "Oh...." "mother look At least you can do the Role you always wanted" I tried cheering her up. "Yeah... I can let you choose if you want to marry or not" my mother said as I hear a little joy in it. "Yeah!" I Said as I smiled. "We should sleep tomorrow's a Big Day!" I Said as I lifted my mother on to her Feet. "We should" my mother said as we separated to our Rooms. 'It Really is going to be a Big Day...' I thought as I fell asleep.

Next Day

I heard my Mothers Voice.....
"eam.... Dream...." "DREAM!!" My Mother Screamed. I jolted up from my Bed. "What!?" I Exclaimed. "Good... Your awake..." My Mother Said as I turned my head to look at her. "Today's a Great Day And you must Do as I tell you..." My Mother Told me. I sweat dropped at this. "Yes... Mother" I answered her. She then pulled out a Box from behind her. "I want you to wear this... Plus it's my Birthday, You wouldn't want your mother to be sad on her birthday... Do you?" "Yes... Mother" I then grabbed the box from her Hands and Walked to my Bathroom. I showered and then brushed both my teeth and hair. After I was done I checked the box to see what my mother prepared for me.

It was a Dress. But instead of Green it was blue? I'll just wear it for my mother.

(The Outfit I Made is From Love nikki)

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(The Outfit I Made is From Love nikki)

The color was nice and the Dress was beautiful
With the Blue.

I walked out of the bathroom. To see a letter/note Saying "I hope you Didn't mind if I invited the Princes From a few days ago" - Sincerely Your Mother. 
'Great.... I have to deal with those Guys... Again.' I'll just go down stairs to help decorate for my mothers Birthday.

"And.... Done!" I exclaimed as I put the last Ribbon on the last Table.  Everything was ready and in a few minutes the Princes of the other Kingdoms will be joining soon. I then went to clean myself up to get ready for something special for my mother.

~Secret Prince~ Dream AU [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now