Question 81: sffetgfsr

217 8 3

'I have 3 questions 1. Who is your favourite Hetalia and why 2. Who is your least favourite Hetalia and why 3. What do you think of the 2p's p.s you are so totally awesome' Thanks! Hmm, my favourite Hetalia is Russia. He reminds me of myself, he wants to destroy the others, he is scary and he's does everything like a boss! My least favourite is probably Sealand, he annoys me, he's too cheerful and his voice is irritating. And, I find the 2p's quite amusing, especially when they are irritating their counter-parts. Oh and I also like the fact that they are insane as well :)

(My personal favourite is Britain but I thought that Envy would perfer Russia :P)

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