Question 94: elriclover1

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'I dare you to either go on a date with Ed or Mustang they have to accept and no transforming into anyone' Oh my god......... Did you just say what I thought I said? No, no, no! This is deffinately one of the worst things you've asked me to do! *Sighs* Well I guess I'd better pick one then..... Hmm, Ed's only a kid, it would be weird if I asked him. But I can't stand the sight of Roy. Urgh, this is so hard! Roy is a little more mature than Ed so he might not ridicule me as much for it........... I'm going to ask out Roy Mustang *facepalms* kill me now!

*Phones Roy and disguises his voice as Riza* (You never said I couldn't change my voice :D)

Roy: "Riza, is everything alright?"

Yeah, I was just wondering if perhaps we could go out to dinner tonight?

Roy: *Is happily surprised* "A date?"

You could call it that. *She (Envy) laughs."

Roy: "Thats great! *He is so pleased* I'll book us a table"

Okay, great! What time do you want to meet?

Roy: *We can meet in the town square resturaunt at nine. Is nine alright for you?"

Nine is perfect. I'll see you then, Roy.

Roy: *Doesn't realise that he hasn't put down the reciever* Ha, yes!!! I knew she liked me!!! *Realises* Whoops.... *Hangs up*

*Puts the phone down* *He talks to himself* I'm glad one of us is excited for this date..... *sarcasm*

~8:53 that evening

*Envy walks to the town square resturaunt. He is genuniely nervous; his palms are sweating, he was trembling and his heart beat was going like crazy. He wasn't sure what to do, he had never been on a date before. Envy sees Roy sitting at a table checking his watch, he walks over and sits down in the seat opposite him*

Um, H-Hi.

Roy: "Get lost Envy, I'm waiting for my date."

I am your date.

Roy: "Ha ha, very funny. But seriously Envy, go."

No, seriously! I phoned you today!

Roy: "No you didn't, Riza- Ah...... You are Riza aren't you." *He said in realisation*

*He nods*

Roy: *He punches Envy in the face* "Why?!" *He was very mad*

*His head flings back and he rubs his face* Ow! I wanted to go on a date with you! *His face went red, he felt like a fool. He didn't even like Roy!*

Roy: "What the hell is wrong with you Envy!?!?!" *He punches Envy again*

*Gets hit and rubs his face* I.... er..... *He wanted to change the subject* I got you a flower! *He pulls out a dandelion which he had picked on the way there and hands it to Roy*

Roy: *He didn't even look at it* " Who's garden did you steal this from?"


Roy: *Facepalms and mutters to himself* "I knew it was too good to be true." *He looks at Envy* "Well, I'm leaving. NEVER pull a stunt like this again. *He stands up*

*Envy grabs his arm and pulls him back down in his seat.* You can't just leave, Roy. You've booked this table, it's highly disrespectful to get up and leave.

Roy: *Doesn't want to admit that Envy has a point.* "Since when do you care about respect?!"

I don't. *He smirks* But you're the one trying to get a good reputation. This would not go down well.

Roy: "Urgh, fine! I'll stay! But don't expect this to become a regular thing, one time only!"

That's fine by me....

~After the meal

Roy: *He is drunk. He stands up but stumbles back down again*

Woah there, easy! I think it's time to get you home. *He pays the bill and puts his arm around Roy's shoulder to support him. They walk out and back to Roy's house. On the way back, Roy had started singing 'Wrecking ball' really loudly so Envy had gagged him. They arrive at Roy's front door.*

Well, here you are. Get some sleep. Bye. *He says bluntly. He turns to leave but Roy grabs his arm*

Roy: *His speech is slurred* "This was reeeeeeeeeally fun, Envy. We should do this again!"

*He rolls his eyes* Good luck with that!.*He says sarcastically*

Roy: *Without warning he kisses Envy* Bye, bye, darling! *He goes inside and slams the door shut, leaving Envy standing there, red faced and gasping.*

Remind me to erase this day from my memory..........

(I had to do it, I'm sorry! :D)

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